


美式发音: [kəˈraɪnə] 英式发音: [kəˈrainə]



复数:carinas  复数:carinae  



n.1.a constellation of the southern hemisphere containing the star Canopus2.the boat-shaped part of a pea flower, formed by the two fused lower petals3.a keel-shaped body part, e.g. the ridge at the base of the windpipe where it divides to form the bronchi

1.船底座 5.盾牌座 Scutum 1.船底座 Carina 2.后发座 Coma Berenices ...

2.卡瑞娜 Candice 莰蒂丝 Carina 卡瑞娜 Carmen 卡门 ...

3.卡利那 Cargo 货运 英国福特 Carina 卡利那 Carol 颂歌 日本马自达 ...

4.嘉玲e Couple”外,T与C亦是伟仔(Tony)和嘉玲(Carina)的英文名首个字母,而中间的L还有Love、Lau、Leung及浪琴表(Longines…

5.卡莉娜 Candelaria 坎德拉利亚 Carina 卡莉娜 Carla 卡尔拉 ...

6.隆突这里提供的是隆突(carina)_阳台上的大胆美女 71P(7),图片资源均来源网络,如有侵权请联系我们处理。CopyRight. © 教父酒 …

7.气管隆凸(3) 肿瘤侵犯主支气管, 离气管隆凸(carina) 2公分以外 (4) 肺膨胀不全(atelectasis)或阻塞性肺炎(obstructive pneumonitis)延伸到 …


1.Carina is one of the few undead who will take pity on her victims. She's been know to cry after each kill she has made.可瑞娜是极少数会同情受害者的亡灵之一,她以每次杀戮后的哭泣而广为人知。

2.Operatabpty did not completely depend on the invasion of the trachea, bronchus and carina of esophageal carcinoma performed with CT.术前CT检查对食管癌气管、支气管、隆凸浸润早期的诊断,并不能作为放弃手术治疗的依据。

3.Just below the Southern Cross on the far left is the dark Coal Sack Nebula, and the bright nebula on the far right is the Carina Nebula.南十字座左下方的是黑暗的煤袋星云,而最右侧明亮的星云是船底座星云。

4.This new Hubble photo is but a small portion of one of the largest seen star-birth regions in the galaxy, the Carina Nebula.这幅哈勃最近拍摄的照片只是星系中最大规模的可见恒星诞生区域-船底座-之中一小部分。

5.'You get to have sleep overs, ' says Carina Kroff, 7, one of the only-child Friday Night Club members.周五晚间俱乐部“7岁的成员卡瑞娜•克罗夫(CarinaKroff)说,”你可以在别人家过夜。

6.During 15 min of carina resection, oxygenation of his left lung was maintained with the bronchial blocker bridging the airway discontinuity.在15分钟的隆突切除,氧合他左肺保持与支气管的气道阻断弥合间断。

7.He underwent a right sleeve pneumonectomy, which involved a carina resection with anastomosis between the trachea and left main bronchus.他接受了右全肺切除套,其中涉及隆突切除吻合之间的气管和左主支气管。

8.Similar epic battles are being waged all over the star-forming Carina Nebula.类似的史诗般恢宏战役正在船底星云的各恒星形成区进行着。

9.Carina Lau to talk about her husband happy talk at the same time denied that the couple should be left Jian Lin Yue's job rumors.刘嘉玲谈老公谈得开心,同时否认夫妻俩要离开,跳槽林建岳公司的传闻。

10.Some media reports have it that since breaking up with Carina Lau, Tony has been extremely depressed and is finding his solace in alcohol.有媒体称,自从跟刘嘉玲闹分手以来,伟仔的情绪就极其低落,一直借酒消愁。