




1.戈恩问题,日产汽车被法国雷诺收购并控股。卡洛斯戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)被任命为公司总裁,这是所有日本汽车公司中担任该职务 …

4.长高恩  日产汽车执行长高恩Carlos Ghosn)曾乐观预测,Leaf电动车系在美销量今年将倍增到2万辆,结果截至10月,Leaf销量还较 …

5.执行长高恩当法国雷诺汽车的执行长高恩Carlos Ghosn)入主日产汽车(Nissan)之后,他就把加速内部创新,当作是拯救这家摇摇欲 …

6.长戈恩日产汽车公司首席执行长戈恩Carlos Ghosn)在某次新闻发布会上说:日产正在同东风汽车公司商谈向它们的汽车生产与销 …

7.戈森戈森(Carlos Ghosn)雷诺律师莱因哈特(Jean Reinhart)说,在收到巴黎公诉人寻找瑞士和列支敦士登嫌疑银行帐户的结果之前, …

8.长高森雷诺执行长高森Carlos Ghosn)今天稍早在底特律受访时说,今年欧洲车市将再衰退3%,延续去年掉到20年谷底的颓势。宝 …


1.Carlos Ghosn vowed to make Nissan -- which had been losing money for years -- into a profitable, globally competitive company again.卡洛斯?戈恩(CarlosGhosn)发誓使持续亏损数年的日产再次成为一家在全球具有竞争力的盈利公司。

2.Renault's chief executive Carlos Ghosn said he'd refused an offer by his deputy to resign over the scandal.雷诺CEO戈恩(CarlosGhosn)表示,丑闻过后,他拒绝了一位副手辞职的请求。

3.Renault's managers started arriving in March, and its boss, Carlos Ghosn, will be one of three Renault executives on the AvtoVAZ board.雷诺公司的管理人员3月份开始抵达,而其老板CarlosGhosn也将成为奥托瓦兹董事会三名雷诺高管人员中的一位。

4.But Nissan's CEO Carlos Ghosn said this week he did not see any reason to change the way inventory is held at Chinese plants.不过日产汽车(7201.T:行情)首席执行官卡洛斯・戈恩本周表示,没有理由改变在华工厂的库存管理方式。

5.But one of them Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Renault and Nissan, when asked about hybrids said something very fascinating.但是,其中一位,雷诺和尼桑的CEO,CarlosGhosn,当他被问到双动力汽车的时候,他给了一个很有趣的答案。

6.But that was the pmit for Carlos Ghosn, under pressure as boss of the Renault-Nissan alpance.但是重重压力之下的雷诺-尼桑集团老板卡洛斯•戈恩来说,这已经是极限了。

7."It's the first step in what is sure to be an exciting journey, " said Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn when the Leaf was previewed this August.“这是肯定会成为令人兴奋旅程的第一步。”尼桑的首席执行官卡洛斯·戈恩(CarlosGhosn)在今年8月的“绿叶”预览时说。

8.Carlos Ghosn, the chief executive of Renault, says the French carmaker is investing nearly all its money in emerging markets currently.法国汽车制造商雷诺(Renault)首席执行官卡洛斯-戈恩(CarlosGhosn)表示,雷诺目前正把几乎全部资金都投入新兴市场。

9.Carlos Ghosn, chief executive of Nissan, told the Financial Times last week that China had replaced the US as its most profitable market.日产(Nissan)首席执行官卡洛斯•戈恩(CarlosGhosn)上周告诉英国《金融时报》,中国已取代美国,成为该公司利润最为丰厚的市场。

10."We are creating a technological powerhouse that would benefit all partners, " Renault and Nissan's chief executive Carlos Ghosn said.雷诺-日产首席执行官卡洛斯?戈恩(CarlosGhosn)表示:“我们正在打造一个技术巨擘,合作各方都会从中受益。”