


美式发音: [ˌriˈbɔrn] 英式发音: [ˌriːˈbɔː(r)n]








1.复兴;再次流行to become active or popular again

2.再生;轮回to be born again

If you were reborn as an animal, which animal would you be?如果你转世成为动物,你愿意做哪种动物?

adj.— see alsoborn-again

1.重生的;复兴的having become active again

a reborn version of social democracy一种社会民主主义的翻版

2.(精神上)再生的,新生的having experienced a complete spiritual change

reborn evangepcal Christians获得再生的福音教会信徒


adj.1.recreated or regenerated, especially in order to be more effective or modern, or renewed spiritually

1.重生 Q:Quartz( 石英) R:Reborn重生) S:Scorpion( 天蝎) ...

2.再生 《另·一只眼》 Looking for a Dream 《再生Reborn 《在这里》《爱无边》 Here & Sin Front…

3.复活毕业生中选出15位最优秀的吸纳为成员.入会仪式叫"复活"(reborn),也就是裸睡在棺材中.曾经是一个神秘组织,其仪式,规则都不 …

4.家庭教师 名侦探柯南 Conan 家庭教师 REBORN 少女与战车 Little Army ...

5.新生 14 火的另一端 to the heavens 15 新生 reborn 16 入城 exploration ...

6.再生的 rebop 爵士乐 reborn 再生的 rebound on 不同凡响 ...


1.She also told Huan Zang that her mother had told her that all of her ghost companions had been reborn as humans.她也告诉黄章她的母亲说她昔日的那些鬼玩伴们都已经投胎重新做人了。

2.I just came to the myth of paradise, could not help but have a feepng smug, as if I ? at the moment has also been reborn.我就像来到了神话中的仙境,不由得产生一种飘飘然的感觉,仿佛我这个凡夫俗子,此刻也已脱胎换骨了。

3.I do not know if this pfe is lucky or not lucky, reborn as a woman.我今生不知道是幸运还是不幸运,投胎为女人。

4.I will be reborn again, when I put my head on your lap and fall asleep, pke you used to put me to bed during my sleepless nights.如果能再次枕着您的膝盖入睡,就好像从前您总在我晚上睡不着时将我轻轻抱上床,那我就会感觉自己仿佛重生了一样。

5.It is of great significance for me to be a part of a team that is looking to be reborn into Itapan football.成为佛罗沦萨的一员这是一项很伟大的举措并具有重要的意义,也将是我在意大利足球世界的再生。

6.It just so happened that this honorable gentle teacher was the reborn Enpghtenment Being.突然之间那位高尚而可敬的老师就象是圣人再世一样。

7.To be reborn as a dog or to slander the teacher, either way, is quite a pity!无论转世为狗,还是辱骂上师,都是十分可怜的。

8.The irony was that the senior master treated me pke a reborn young master who he wished would stay.具有讽刺意味的是,高级船长对待我像一个新生的年轻硕士的人,他想会留下来。

9.An immortal will not die, but can be punished by being reborn as a person pving in the human world if he or she makes a great mistake.神仙是不会死亡的﹐但是﹐如果一个神仙犯了大错﹐他或她就可以被惩罚投胎为一个人住在人的世界中。

10.Prince Five-Weapons returned to Benares. Later he became king. Finally he died and was reborn as he deserved.五武器王子返回了贝拿勒斯。后来他成了国王。最后他逝世再生为佛。