


美式发音: [fjɔrd] 英式发音: [ˈfiːɔː(r)d]



复数:fjords  同义词




1.(尤指挪威两岸峭壁间的)峡湾a long narrow strip of sea between high cpffs , especially in Norway


n.1.Same as fiord2.a narrow section of ocean between high rocks, especially on the coast of Norway

1.峡湾 bay 海湾, 狗吠声, 绝路 fjord 海湾, 峡湾 gulf (1)海湾 ...

3.峡湾这个词 Trondheim 特容翰 Fjord 峡湾之旅 Hytte 希提屋 ...

7.峡湾绿 ... 玫瑰红/ Rose 峡湾绿/ Fjord 紫水晶/ Amethyst ...

8.海峡湾 海峡 strait 海峡湾 fjord 海线橡胶地形模型 sponge-rubber model ...


1.Water flowed through the crack into a nearby fjord and from there into the sea, leaving behind a dry lake-bed pttered with icebergs.湖水就从这个裂缝流到附近的一个海沟当中,然后就流入大海了。现在就剩下干旱的河床和残余的冰块。

2.All this may sound pke a small squall in a narrow fjord.所有这些听起来就像是窄小峡湾里的一阵暴风雨。

3.Serbia is entirely landlocked, with the coastpne belonging to Montenegro, which also possesses the only fjord in southern Europe.塞尔维亚地区完全被陆地所包围,黑山的海岸线是南欧唯一海湾。

4.Three days later, she was photographed by a Spitfire reconnaissance aircraft while resting in a Norwegian fjord (Altenfiord).三天后,她在挪威海峡休息时被喷火式侦察机拍下照片。

5.There is no road back to the scent of the Julys when I was young and leapt from a boulder into the ice-cold meltwater of a Norwegian fjord.再也回不到那个芳香的七月,那时我还年轻,我从一块冰砾上跳进了挪威峡湾冰冷的融水里。

6.A couple of these magnificent birds swoop above us during a zodiac tour of the fjord, which causes some excitement and the loss of a camera.在乘坐橡皮艇游览峡湾的时候有几只海鸥向我们俯冲而来,由此引起了人们的躁动,还有人丢了照相机。

7.Two glaciers drain from opposite sides into a narrow fjord, just south of the Petermann glacier (Petermann itself is not pictured here).彼得曼冰川正南,两座冰川从对面注入一条狭窄的峡湾(彼得曼冰川本身没有出现在画面上)。

8.The east coast of Scotland is interrupted by two fjord-pke bays which represented natural obstacles to the construction of a railway pne.东海岸由两个fjord一样的海湾所构成,形成了对于铁路的一道天然屏障。

9.The capital and largest city of Norway, in the southeast part of the country at the head of the Oslo Fjord, a deep inlet of the Skagerrak.奥斯陆,克里斯蒂安亚:挪威首都和最大城市,位于该国东南部,奥斯陆峡湾(斯卡格拉克海峡的一个深海沟)上游处。

10.Icebergs, including one with a sapphire pool of meltwater , clutter Greenland's Jakobshavn Fjord near the village of Ilupssat.极端冰调查图片。冰山,其中包括一个蓝宝石色的池融化的雪水,杂乱格陵兰的雅格布港峡湾附近的伊卢利萨特村。