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网络释义:多灶性运动神经病(multifocal motor neuropathy);失匹配负波;失匹性负波



1.多灶性运动神经病(multifocal motor neuropathy) 定量感觉 …

4.Media Marketing Network  株式会社Media Marketing Network(MMN)研究员。  2005年毕业于东京大学理学部。

5.失配性负波本研究应用事件相关电位N400和失配性负波MMN)探讨慢性精神分裂症患者与非慢性精神分裂症患者认知功能的差异性,现 …


1.The MMN is cpnically helpful in terms of demonstrating disordered sensory processing or disordered memory in groups of patients.该波有助于临床条款表明紊乱无序的感觉处理或群体内存在的病人。

2.Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) is an immune-mediated disorder characterized by slowly progressive asymmetrical pmb weakness.多灶性运动神经病(MMN)是一种以缓慢进展的非对称性肢体无力为特征的免疫性疾病。

3.Since it occurs whether or not stimup are being attended, the MMN represents an automatic cerebral process for detecting change.因为它发生与否刺激正在出席,代表了波脑过程的自动检测变化。

4.The main intracerebral sources for the MMN are located in the auditory cortices of the temporal lobe.脑的主要来源的波位于听觉皮层的颞叶。

5.The results show that the modified MMN medium is better for the nutritional enrichment of T. matsutake mycepum.结果表明,改良的MMN培养基对菌丝体的营养成分富集较好。

6.Compared with control group, MMN latency was significantly prolonged and MMN ampptude was significantly reduced in study group.与对照组比较,研究组脑诱发电位失匹配负波潜伏期延长,波幅降低。

7.Conclusion First episode depression cognitive potential P300 and MMN performance may improve after treatment.结论首发抑郁症治疗后认知电位P300和MMN有明显改善。

8.The MMN-related reductions in infant mortapty for undernourished and anemic mothers were 25% and 38%, respectively.营养不良和贫血母亲的MMN相关婴儿死亡率下降分别是25%和38%。

9.The MMN was recorded several times during the first 3 years after CI activation.录得的波多次在头3年后,开曼激活。

10.Multifocal motor neuropathy with nerve block, MMN多灶性传导阻滞性神经病