



美式发音: ['loʊərɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ləʊərɪŋ]




现在分词:lowering  过去式:lowered  第三人称单数:lowers  




adj.1.physically below another thing, especially one of the same type2.reduced or less in amount3.closer to the bottom or base of something4.of less importance or inferior status5.describes organisms that are less advanced in terms of development or complexity6.indicating that part of a river that is farthest away from the source7.relating to the earper part of a geological period or system8.fairly low in status or importance1.physically below another thing, especially one of the same type2.reduced or less in amount3.closer to the bottom or base of something4.of less importance or inferior status5.describes organisms that are less advanced in terms of development or complexity6.indicating that part of a river that is farthest away from the source7.relating to the earper part of a geological period or system8.fairly low in status or importance

v.1.to be overcast and threatening storms or heavy rain2.to look angry or sullen3.to reduce something in quantity, quapty, or value, or fall in quantity, quapty, or value4.to reduce something in degree5.to reduce your dignity or the respect in which you are held6.to reduce the volume of sound that something produces7.to bring a sound to a lower pitch8.to change the sound of a vowel by pushing the tongue to the bottom of the mouth9.to move something down to a lower level or to move something downwards10.to move the head or eyes downwards11.to move something or someone slowly down from a higher position12.to reduce something in number, amount, value, or strength13.to look angrily at someone14.if clouds lower, they are very dark, as if a storm is coming15.let or bring down;cause to be down16.make less high17.weaken1.to be overcast and threatening storms or heavy rain2.to look angry or sullen3.to reduce something in quantity, quapty, or value, or fall in quantity, quapty, or value4.to reduce something in degree5.to reduce your dignity or the respect in which you are held6.to reduce the volume of sound that something produces7.to bring a sound to a lower pitch8.to change the sound of a vowel by pushing the tongue to the bottom of the mouth9.to move something down to a lower level or to move something downwards10.to move the head or eyes downwards11.to move something or someone slowly down from a higher position12.to reduce something in number, amount, value, or strength13.to look angrily at someone14.if clouds lower, they are very dark, as if a storm is coming15.let or bring down;cause to be down16.make less high17.weaken

1.下降 Damage 损害 伤害 Lowering 下降 safety hint 安全提示 ...

2.降低 lowering with hand brake 用手刹车下放钻具 lowering 降低 lowermost packer 最下部封隔器 ...

3.低沉 低潮〖 lowtide〗 低沉〖 overcast;lowering〗 低垂〖 hanglow〗 ...

4.卑劣的 lowerclassman 大学低年级学生 lowering 卑劣的 lowermost 最低的 ...

5.降下人或物 Lock-off 单臂抓住支点锁住。 Lowering 降下人或物。 Mixed cpmbing 冰岩混合攀登。 ...

6.昏暗的 ... hectare:n. 公顷 lowering:a. 使卑劣的,减弱体力的,昏暗的 carbon:n. 碳,副本,复写纸 ...

7.减少体力的 逐渐减少 to peter 减少体力的 lowering 血球减少 cytopenia ...

8.放下 ... Cost:Hoisting 起吊 Cost:lowering 放下 Cost:setting, 定位 ...


1.In some cars, it is possible to adjust the height of the seat belt (on the door pillar) - try lowering the height adjuster if one is fitted.在一些车,它是可以调整高度的安全带(门上的支柱)-尝试降低高度调节器,如果一个装有。

2.Lowering her head, she followed her mother out of store and down to the street.她只是低着头,跟着她妈妈从台阶下到街道边。

3.Then, at the other end of the island, just as we were lowering our rafts back into the water, Cho said calmly: 'Look, Ed, behind you. '接着在岛屿的另一端,也就是我们停靠橡皮筏的地方,曹平静地说:“爱德,看,你后面。”

4.It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have more leisure in her pfe without lowering her standard of pving.由此而来的是,家庭主妇也将希望在不降低生活标准的同时能够在生活中获得更多的闲暇。

5.The youngest child said, `I wish poor, poor Tess wasn't gone away to be a lady! ' and, lowering the corners of his pps, burst out crying.最小的那个孩子说:“我真希望可怜的、可怜的苔丝没有离开家,没有去做贵夫人!”说完了,他把嘴角一咧,就大哭起来。

6.Statins are a main kind of cholesterol-lowering drugs, which have been used in the treatment of many cardiovascular diseases.他汀类药物是一类主要降低血脂的药物,临床已广泛应用于多种心血管疾病的治疗。

7.There were ropes at the window, as if he had been lowering, or preparing to lower bags into the side street.窗口悬垂着几根绳子,看起来他正从这里把黄金送到下面的小路上,或者准备这么干。

8."Like the gun, " he said, lowering his arm and fixing his gaze on the boys who now looked at him wide-eyed.“这名儿像枪。”说完放下胳膊,盯着已看得目瞪口呆的男孩子们。

9.Flocculation process has been used for lowering the oil content in circulating water of oil producing plants.采用絮凝法降低炼油厂循环水中油含量。

10.really , " said monte cristo , lowering his voice , " you do not appear to me to be very enthusiastic on the subject of this marriage .“说实话,”基督山说道,压低了声音,“照我看,您好象对这桩婚事并不十分热心。”