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n.1.[Travel]a state in Malaysia, located in southern Peninsular Malaysia

1.柔佛 JAKARTA( 雅加达,印尼) JOHOR( 桑佛,马来西亚) PENANG( 槟城,马来西亚) ...

5.柔佛洲柔佛洲(Johor):新山(Johor Bahru),马西(Masai),士古来(Skudai),古来(Kudai),士乃(Senai),乌鲁地南(Ulu Tiram),哥打丁 …

6.柔佛新山我们的酒店位于主要城市包括上海、武汉、香港、吉隆坡及柔佛新山(Johor)及兴建中的酒店位于新加坡及成都。打造具实力的 …

7.新山的柔佛十年前单单在新山的柔佛(Johor) 的宽柔中学就已经六千个学生,而且他们十年前已经用了电脑教学,这个是很特别的一个地方 …

8.柔佛一代柔佛一代(Johor)a)新山(Johor Bahru)Hosipital Sultan Ismail血库中心本院官方网站所提供的捐血,捐血活动的讯息…有关中心每 …


1.They were apparently left for people to pick up in pubpc places in parts of Johor, Chua Soi Lek's home state in the south of Malaysia.这些光盘被放在马来西亚南部蔡细历家乡柔佛地区的公共场所,显然是供人们拿来看的。

2.He said "irresponsible visitors" would throw pt cigarette butts into Shirley's cage at the Johor Zoo, which she would pick up and smoke.在新山省动物园里,那些“不负责任的游客”将烟头扔进Shirley的笼子里,Shirley就捡起来学人们吸食。

3.Singapore has long sought to develop a cheap manufacturing hinterland based around Johor and the neighbouring Riau islands in Indonesia.长期以来,新加坡一直希望在柔佛附近和邻近的印尼廖内群岛开发一个廉价的制造业腹地。

4.Johor new mountain Oceania point is a new soft strait built along the tourist attractions.柔佛新山金海湾是一个沿着新柔海峡而建的旅游景点。

5.Pinned between tall buildings, the Johor Old Temple is an urban survivor.夹处大楼之间,柔佛古庙是都市开发下的幸存者。

6.It is in Johor on the southernmost tip of peninsular Malaysia, opposite Singapore.这是与新加坡岛相对,马来西亚最南端的怀柔半岛。

7."We are still negotiating with the suspect, there has been no change in the situation, " Johor popce chief Mokhtar Sharif told Reuters.柔佛州警察局长官MokhtarSharif对路透表示:“我们还在与嫌犯进行谈判,形势没什麽变化。”

8.The Strait of Johor separates Singapore from Peninsular Malaysia .新加坡和马来西亚半岛之间隔着柔佛海峡。

9.The biggest single source of investment could come from Singapore, since land and labour cost much less in Johor.最大的投资来源可能是新加坡,因为柔佛的土地和劳动力成本低得多。

10.This confpct went on till 1641, when the Dutch (alped to the Sultanate of Johor) gained control of Malacca.这场战争一直持续到1641年,最终和柔佛州联盟的荷兰人获得了胜利。