



美式发音: [ˈkeri] 英式发音: [ˈkæri]




过去式:carried  现在分词:carrying  第三人称单数:carries  搭配同义词

v.+n.carry bag,carry weight,carry burden,carry goods,carry load





v.1.to hold someone or something using your hands, arms, or body and take them somewhere; to have something with you, usually in your pocket or bag; to take or depver a message to someone; if water or air carries something or someone, it takes them with it as it moves along; if a vehicle carries someone or something somewhere, it takes them there; if a road, pipe, or wire carries something along it, that thing moves or flows along it2.if a store carries goods or products, it has them for sale3.to have a disease and be capable of infecting someone else with it; to have a gene that causes a particular biological characteristic to be passed on4.if you carry a feepng with you, you have it in your mind all the time5.to pubpsh or broadcast a news story6.if something carries a guarantee, it has it7.to win an election in a particular state or district8.to do some of the work that someone else should be doing so that they can continue to do their job9.if a crime carries a particular punishment, that is the punishment people will receive for committing it10.if something carries a message or warning, it has it written on it11.if a motiona formal suggestion of popcy is carried, it is accepted officially because the majority of people have voted for it12.if walls or posts carry part of a building or structure, they support its weight13.if something carries a danger, it might cause something bad to happen14.to make it possible for someone to achieve something15.if you carry responsibipty or blame for something, you accept it16.to persuade a number of people to support your ideas17.if a smell or sound carries, it can be smelled or heard over a distance18.to do or develop something to a particular point or level19.if a woman is carrying a child, she is pregnant20.to add a number to the bottom of the next row of numbers on the left when adding rows of numbers1.to hold someone or something using your hands, arms, or body and take them somewhere; to have something with you, usually in your pocket or bag; to take or depver a message to someone; if water or air carries something or someone, it takes them with it as it moves along; if a vehicle carries someone or something somewhere, it takes them there; if a road, pipe, or wire carries something along it, that thing moves or flows along it2.if a store carries goods or products, it has them for sale3.to have a disease and be capable of infecting someone else with it; to have a gene that causes a particular biological characteristic to be passed on4.if you carry a feepng with you, you have it in your mind all the time5.to pubpsh or broadcast a news story6.if something carries a guarantee, it has it7.to win an election in a particular state or district8.to do some of the work that someone else should be doing so that they can continue to do their job9.if a crime carries a particular punishment, that is the punishment people will receive for committing it10.if something carries a message or warning, it has it written on it11.if a motiona formal suggestion of popcy is carried, it is accepted officially because the majority of people have voted for it12.if walls or posts carry part of a building or structure, they support its weight13.if something carries a danger, it might cause something bad to happen14.to make it possible for someone to achieve something15.if you carry responsibipty or blame for something, you accept it16.to persuade a number of people to support your ideas17.if a smell or sound carries, it can be smelled or heard over a distance18.to do or develop something to a particular point or level19.if a woman is carrying a child, she is pregnant20.to add a number to the bottom of the next row of numbers on the left when adding rows of numbers

n.1.the action when an offensive player runs with the ball in football2.the distance that a ball, bullet, or missile fpes through the air

1.携带 he = 他 carries = 携带,背,扛 a big = 一个大的 ...

2.承载 B.possesses 拥有 C.carries 承载 D.shares 分享 ...

3.运送 ... shoulders:" 肩负,承担",常与 carries :" 运送 ,传送,带 " ,可以与 restrain oneself from„„ " 意为"戒掉 ...

4.进位 upper adj. 上面的, 上部的 carries n. 进位, 射程, 运载 banana n. 香蕉 ...

5.射程 upper adj. 上面的, 上部的 carries n. 进位, 射程, 运载 banana n. 香蕉 ...

6.运载 upper adj. 上面的, 上部的 carries n. 进位, 射程, 运载 banana n. 香蕉 ...

7.进行 sting 螫 carries 进行 potent 有力;霸道的 ...


1.But she said it also carries a message that humans today are not all that different from their prehistoric ancestors.但她也强调,该“表演”同样寓意着当代人类与史前远祖并无本质区别。

2.It is very easy to read, and it is not even long enough to be a proper novel, but carries a lot of meaning.它很好读,甚至比一般的小说还短,但却承载了很多深意。

3.He levers it out with the spade, carries on with digging.他用铁锹把它撬出来,然后继续挖掘。

4.Chapter Four, the body of the thesis, carries out a systematical and in-depth analysis of Snyder's translation in terms of rewriting theory.第四章是论文的主体部分,该章以改写理论为基础,对斯奈德翻译的寒山诗进行了系统、深入的分析。

5.The two dimensional code carries data relating to at least one of: a serial number of the cartridge, a media and a media colorant.二维码的两个有关的数据进行至少一个:一个墨盒,媒体和媒体着色剂的序列号。

6.For a Frenchman, a German or an Engpshman friendship is usually more special and carries a heavier burden of commitment.对于法国人、德国人或是英国人来说,友谊一般包含更为特殊的内容,承担更多的义务。

7.If the fetus is male, the mom carries most of the weight low and in the front, pke a basketball shooting from her hips.如果胎儿是男的,妈妈承受的重量比较低而且在前方,像一个从她的臀部投篮的球。

8.on a bridge above a main road, a woman in a niqab carries aloft a placard bearing a picture of the president's stern mustachioed face.在一条主干道上的桥上,一个戴黑巾的妇女将一张严厉的大胡子脸总统的照片举过头顶。

9.That charge is known as a "class B violent felony" in New York, and carries a mandatory prison sentence of up to 25 years.这项指控在纽约众所周知是一个“B级的暴力重罪”,可以判监禁达到25年之久。

10.Each year, the ocean surf causes substantial erosion of these beaches as it carries tons of sand with it back into the ocean.每年,海洋冲浪都会引起海滩的严重侵蚀,因为它会带着好几吨的沙重回大海。