


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kɑːtə]






n.1.somebody who uses a cart for transporting goods or for farm work

1.卡特 车队〖 convey〗 车夫〖 cart-driver;carter〗 车盖〖 circularcoveringontheancientvehicle〗 ...

3.车把式 车把〖 handbar;shaft〗 车把式〖 experiencedcartdriver;carter〗 车场〖 yard〗 ...

4.卡特总统 Carla 卡拉,含义:男子汉 Carter 卡特,含义:马车夫 Casey 凯西,含义:英勇的 ...

6.架马车的人 Carr 挪威 住在沼泽的人 Carter 英国 架马车的人 Cecil 拉丁 视力朦胧的 ...

7.运货马车夫 melons n. (各种的)瓜 carter n. 驾驶货车的人, 运货马车夫 romancer n. 传奇小说作家, 讲虚构故事的人 ...

8.卡特警探最囧角色:不得不说,在该剧的最初几集中,卡特警探Carter)是当之无愧的最囧角色。她的存在相当缺乏层次感——只是个 …


1.After his departure from the White House, Mr Carter found a new purpose in his poptical, social and humanitarian work.在离开白宫之后,卡特在自己的政治、社会和人道主义工作中找到了新的目标。

2.Mr Carter, who's leading an observer mission during the vote which ended today, said it had been very orderly.公投于今天结束,率领观察团监督投票过程的Carter表示,公投过程非常有序。

3.Carter remains the only President in recent history under whose Presidency the U. S. did not fight a war.卡特仍然是美国近代历史上唯一一位在其任期内没有发动战争的总统。

4.Family members of a musician in Dallas, Carter Albrecht, recently said that Chantix might have caused the rage that led to his death.达拉斯,一位音乐家的亲人,卡特.阿布雷彻,最近表示,由Chantix引起的愤怒,可能导致了这位音乐家的死亡。

5.Q: Was the issue of the Six-Party Talks brought up in the meeting between Premier Wen Jiabao and former US President Carter?问:昨天温家宝总理与美国前总统卡特的会谈中是否谈及六方会谈问题?

6.We left John Carter at the beginning of a fierce battle between the green warriors and their main enemy.在绿勇士和他们主要的敌人激烈的战斗开始时我们离开了约翰。卡特。

7.When Reagan just came into power, what he had done was the same to Carter's in his initial stage.里根刚上台时的做法跟执政初期的卡特毫无二致。

8.JOHN CARTER: There was a smile on his face. Once again, he took off a metal band from his arm and gave it to me.约翰卡特:在他的脸上露出了笑容。,他再次起飞,从他的胳膊一个金属乐队,并把它给了我。本文来自英语堂

9.There was more disappointment for The King's Speech as Bonham Carter, who played Queen Epzabeth, lost out to Mepssa Leo for The Fighter.影片《国王的演讲》另一个遗憾还有,在片中扮演伊丽莎白王后的海伦娜·邦汉·卡特输给了《斗士》中的梅丽莎·里奥。

10."If we make haste, " said Lydia, as they walked along, "perhaps we may see something of Captain Carter before he goes. "“要是我们赶得快些,”丽迪雅边走边这么说,“或许我们还来得及赶在卡特尔上尉临走以前看看他。”