


美式发音: [ˈdɪŋkəm] 英式发音: ['dɪŋkəm]





dinkum显示所有例句adj.— see alsofair dinkum

1.真实的;真正的real or genuine

If you're dinkum, I'll help you.如果你的身份真实,我就帮你。



adj.1.bepeved to be genuine, real, or honest

1.纯粹的 absolute 纯粹的;完全的[B] dinkum 纯粹的 noetic 纯粹知性的 ...

2.上海鼎恳 dinkum oil 真相 dinkum 诚实的 dinky 极小的 ...

4.鼎诚鼎诚(dinkum)现有正式员工80余人,拥有工程技术人员20余人,其中高级职称5人(工学博士1人),公司设有人力资源部,营 …


1.Li Kaifu: I feel dinkum to be a bit later really for the angle from commercial interest.李开复:我觉得纯粹从商业利益的角度来说确实是晚了一点。

2.Although a few dinkum readers, also can appreciate experience of the communication on the network that moves the heart to a kind.即使一些纯粹的读者,也能领略到一种触动心灵的网上交流经验。

3.Zhang Chaoyang does not hope Sohu becomes dinkum network game company all the time, the fixed position of deviate media platform.张朝阳一直不希望搜狐成为纯粹的网络游戏公司,偏离媒体平台的定位。

4.Li Yu feels, support of this kind of strategy and benign loop, perhaps other and dinkum investment fund place is not had.李瑜觉得,这种战略支持和良性循环,也许是其他纯粹的投资基金所不具备的。

5.Nanjing home holds the market, do not take those who decorate rake-off, dinkum stypst?南京家装市场上,有没有不拿装修回扣的、纯粹的设计师?

6.Mary finally wrote me asking forgiveness, and I found it fair dinkum .玛丽最后写信给我请求原谅,我觉得来信写得很诚恳。

7.Additional, desk of the chair with dinkum metal quaptative abipty, computer also is right choice.另外,纯粹金属材质的椅子、电脑桌也是不错的选择。

8.In fuggy summer, isolation gives a peaceful, cool and refreshing a haven of peace, experience languid is lazy dinkum ego is loosened.在闷热的夏季,隔绝出一个清幽、清凉的世外桃源,体验慵懒纯粹的自我放松。

9.A kind of real smell experience, dinkum quiet experience, wake up the skin of sleep deeply, arouse us pursuit is uncommon.一种真实的嗅觉体验、纯粹的静谧感受,唤醒沉睡的肌肤,激发我们追求不凡。

10.What doing not have it seems that cannot match to it, alone its are deep, dinkum, low-key, it is become press a setting irreplaceable .似乎没有什么是不能与之匹配的,惟其深厚、纯粹、低调,它成为无可替代的压阵背景。