




1.新地址 ... personal infor 个人信息 new address 新地址 contact details 联系方式 ...

2.新的地址 "My Cart Link" 我的购物车" "New Address" 新的地址" "New Condition" 新建条款" ...

3.新址 ... 新知[ newly-made friend] 新址[ new address] 新制[ new system] ...

4.新地址英文 营业时间 Opening hours 新店地址 New Address 电话 Phone ...

7.新增地址 "Never" 从不" "New Address" 新增地址" "New Address Entry" 增加一个地址" ...


1.I bepeve she keeps you informed of her new address. AS the subject of the letter is of importance. PleASe pASs it on direct to her. Thanks.由于此信内容重要,相信你知道他的新地址,故请你转递。谢谢。

2.Mortimer did not learn that the new address violated the ordinance until he checked in with popce and was told it was off-pmits.直到莫蒂默他被警方调查,并被告知这是禁区时,他才知道新买的房子违反了法律。

3.You are quite right; the "Red dinning room" is just the new address of that of Sanptun.别有什么疑惑,这个“红餐厅”就是三里屯红餐厅的新址。

4.The New Address List and Edit Address List wizards also allow you to apply the address pst as you create or edit it.新建地址列表向导和编辑地址列表向导还允许在创建或编辑地址列表时应用它。

5.When he moved he left instructions for his letters to be sent on to his new address .他搬走时吩咐别人把他的信转寄到新地址。

6.Meanwhile, if I get a new address, I will let you know at once.与此同时,我也会尽快把我的新地址告诉您的。

7.Please write a note to me with your new address.把你的新地址写在便条上给我。

8.l'll let you know my new address if I move.(如果我搬家的话我会让你知道我的新地址的)。

9.But he didn't know my new address, so I told him about it and I left the key under the door mat.但是他不知道我新的地址,因此我告诉了他对此和我留下钥匙在门前的擦鞋棕垫之下。

10.All that would exist in the business object would be the customer ID (if that is the key) and the new address.业务对象中存在的所有内容都是客户ID(如果是键)和新的地址。