


美式发音: [ˌkætəˈstrɑfɪk] 英式发音: [ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk]




adj.+n.catastrophic event,catastrophic effect,catastrophic coverage





adj.1.causing a lot of damage, or making a lot of people suffer; used for describing something that is very bad

1.灾难的 ... repercussions n. 弹回, 反响, (光、声等的)反射 catastrophic adj. 悲惨的, 灾难的 acknowledged adj. 公认的 ...

2.灾难性的 catastrophic failure 严重故障 catastrophic 灾难性的 catastrophism 灾变说 ...

3.悲惨的 ... repercussions n. 弹回, 反响, (光、声等的)反射 catastrophic adj. 悲惨的, 灾难的 acknowledged adj. 公认的 ...

4.大灾难的 catastrophe n. 大灾难,大变动 catastrophic a. 大灾难的,大变动的 category n. 种类,类型;范 …

5.灾难性因素 Carrying capacity 环境容纳量 catastrophic 灾难性因素 Ch =chamaephytes, 地上芽植物 ...

6.毁灭性的 catastrophic 毁灭性大灾祸的 catastrophic 毁灭性的 catblock 吊锚滑车 ...


1.The effect on Berkshire's share price if Mr Buffet were to fall under a lorry or suddenly decided to retire to Tahiti would be catastrophic.如果巴菲特被卡车撞倒,或是突然决定退休归隐塔希提岛,伯克希尔的股价都会遭遇灾难性的打击。

2.No one was hurt, but the official state report said the incident could have been catastrophic.没有人员受伤,不过州里的官方报告说,事故可能是灾难性的。

3.The speed at which this debris moves means any sort of impact with the space station would be catastrophic.这些碎片运转的速度非常快,这意味着它们与国际空间站的任何接触都会造成灾难性的后果。

4.This illustration depicts how the catastrophic destruction of a star that wandered too close to a supermassive black hole may have occurred.这幅图描绘的是,当一颗恒星太接近一颗超级巨型黑洞时可能发生的灾难。

5.Rock layers (of any type) were only starting to be recognized as something other than deposits from a catastrophic, world-wide flood.所有种类的岩石层开始只被认为是全球性洪水灾难的沉积物。

6.All this will be difficult, but it would be much better than a catastrophic adjustment.所有这些将会是困难的,但它也好过灾难性调整。

7.But to unleash the ECB or to embrace eurobonds could precipitate a domestic crisis that would be almost as catastrophic.但是放松对欧洲央行的限制或者同意欧洲债券将促成几乎同样灾难性的国内危机。

8.But for analysts and popcymakers trying to gauge the chance of a catastrophic war, game theory offers a crucial insight.但对于那些想了解爆发灾难性战争的可能性究竟有几成的分析人士来说,博弈理论可能提供了最为重要的视角。

9.Still, it has avoided the kind of catastrophic performance that has wrecked the long-term track record of other value investors.不过,Dimensional避免了令其他价值型投资者一世英名付诸东流的那种灾难性表现。

10.It is no exaggeration for me to say that the consequences of wide-spread resistance to artemisinins would be catastrophic.我可以毫不夸张地说,青蒿素耐药性广泛传播的后果将是灾难性的。