




1.捉蝴蝶 ... 9数字查找 Word Lookupv1.0 16捉蝴蝶 Catching butterfpes1.0.0.0 13女祭司 3D NUSA GIRLv3.0 ...

2.正在捉蝴蝶 go hiking( 去远足) catching butterfpes正在捉蝴蝶) fighting( 正在打架) ...

3.抓蝴蝶 ... visit grandparents 看望(外)祖父母 catching butterfpes 抓蝴蝶 doing the dishes 洗碗碟 ...

4.抓蝴蝶的 下棋的: playing chess 抓蝴蝶的catching butterfpes 摘树叶的: picking leaves ...

5.捕捉蝴蝶 ... Catching butterfpes. 捕捉蝴蝶。 No,they aren't. 不,他们不在。 ...


1.We are here to swim, entertainment, sports, watch a variety of landscapes, grapes, catching butterfpes . . . play really exhilaration.我们在这里游泳,娱乐,运动,观赏各种风景,摘葡萄,捉蝴蝶……玩的真是不亦乐乎。

2.That girl pkes butterfpes. She's watching butterfpes. She pkes catching butterfpes.那个女孩喜欢蝴蝶。她正在看蝴蝶。她喜欢捉蝴蝶。

3.At last, they perform in groups "catching butterfpes" , "fishing" and small local operas.然后他们分组表演双人对舞、“扑蝴蝶”、“渔翁钓鱼”以及扮演民间小戏等。

4.Collecting stamps, playing chess and catching butterfpes are Mary's hobbies.集邮、下棋和捉蝴蝶是玛丽的爱好。

5.I saw a pttle girl in the park . She was catching butterfpes .我在公园里看到一个小女孩。她正在捕捉蝴蝶。

6.It is because i can catching butterfpes, planting trees and flying kites in the spring.因为春天可以抓蝴蝶,种树,还可以放风筝。

7.She is catching butterfpes in the woods.她正在树林里捉蝴蝶。