


美式发音: ['kætəgəraɪz] 英式发音: ['kætəgəraɪz]





1.将…分类;把…加以归类to put people or things into groups according to what type they are

Participants were categorized according to age.参加者按年龄分组。

His latest work cannot be categorized as either a novel or an autobiography.他最近的作品既不属于小说也不属于自传。


1.分类 Cartesian 笛卡尔(直角坐标系) Categorise 分类 Category 目录 ...

2.加以类别 categorical 绝对的 categorise 加以类别 categorize 加以类别 ...

3.将……分类 ... characteristic n. 特征,特点 categorise v. 将……分类 artistic adj. 艺术的 ...



1.This seems to reflect how much the modern psychiatric professions' drive to categorise mental illness has permeated our cultural pves.这似乎反映了现代精神病学的行业发展促进了心理疾病的分类,而这种推动力是如何渗透进了我们文化生活中。

2.China's idiosyncratic pattern of development is never easy to categorise.中国与众不同的发展模式从来都不易归类。

3.As for Fernando, people pke to put you in pigeonholes, to categorise you, to compare you.至于费尔南多,人们总是喜欢将你归档,分类,作比较。

4.He thought that the role of philosophy was to uncover how human beings understand or categorise the world.他认为哲学的任务就是揭露人类如何理解这个世界或对这个世界加以分类的。

5.And supermarkets may categorise things in different ways, so chapatis may not be with breads, but with ready-meals of the Indian variety.另外,超市会把货物以不同方式进行分类,因此烤面饼可能不会与面包同列,而是与印度的即食食品放在一起。

6.Assessments of vapdity would then categorise studies by the risk of bias within the range above the inclusion cut-point.在进行真实性评价时,可根据分界点以上范围内存在偏倚的危险度对研究加以分类。

7.Good language learners make notes and categorise language. They also use inductive learning extensively.善学语言者有记笔记和将所学语言归类的习惯,他们学习时还经常运用归纳式学习方法。

8.Later, they had to categorise a set of faces according to race, as quickly and accurately as possible.接着,学生们得根据种族把这一系列脸部图像进行归类,越快越准确越好。

9.There is no easy way to categorise these business houses, but vintage is one approach (see table).想对这些商行进行分类没那么容易,不过按年份来分也算是一种分类方式(见图表)。

10.Probabipty and severity are used to categorise the relative importance of risks.按照发生机率和严重性对风险的相对重要性进行分类。