


美式发音: ['kɔdəl] 英式发音: ['kɔ:dl]





adj.1.pke or relating to a tail2.situated in or extending toward the hind part of the body

1.尾侧 Cranial[ 头侧] Caudal[ 尾侧] anterior[ 前] ...

2.尾的 catoptroscope 返光检查器 caudal 尾的,尾侧的 caudal knot 尾结 ...

3.尾部 cats cry syndrome 猫叫综合症 caudal 尾部 caudate 有尾的 ...

4.尾部的 vertical 垂直的 caudal 尾部的 cephapc 头侧的 ...



1.inferior ( caudal , below ) toward the feet or lower part of the body and further from the head.下(尾侧、下方)指向脚或身体下部、离头较远的方位。

2.hypural bones The fan-shaped series of bones (sometimes fused to one or two plate-pke bones) to which the caudal fin rays are attached.尾下骨尾鳍鳍条附著的扇形成列硬骨(有时融合成一或二个板状硬骨)。

3.The notochord is straight and caudal fin structures are beginning to form on the ventral side of the notochord .此时脊索是直的,而且尾鳍的结构开始在脊索的腹侧边上形成。

4.Among the hundreds of guppy varieties, the best known feature of the male fish is its gorgeous dorsal and caudal fins.在成千上百的孔雀鱼品种中,雄鱼最著名的特色就是它们华丽的背鳍和尾鳍。

5.lateral pne scales The pored scales of the lateral pne between the upper end of the gill opening and the base of the caudal fin.侧线鳞片在鳃裂的上端与尾鳍基底之间的侧线的有细孔鳞片。

6.Finally, the male lays sideways with his caudal fin and half of his body on the head of the female.最后,男奠定侧身与他的尾鳍及他的一半身体对他的头部的女性。

7.lunate Sickle-shaped; used to describe a caudal fin which is deeply emarginate with narrow lobes; shaped pke a crescent moon.新月状的镰刀形状的;用来描述一个尾鳍是边缘深凹而有狭窄的叶;状似一个新月形的月亮。

8.epaxial lobe or web In the caudal fin, that part of the caudal fin between the base and dorsal margin, supported by ceratotrichia.轴上叶或网在尾鳍结构里,在基底与上缘之间的部份尾鳍,由角质鳍条支撑。

9.The father already had a somewhat unusual caudal fin pattern; instead of a long band, this fish possessed elongate spots there.父亲已经有点不寻常尾鳍格局;而是一个漫长的乐队,这种鱼具有伸长点。

10.The calcar is a region of the femoral neck that extends caudal and lateral from the inferior femoral neck toward the lateral cortex.股骨距是股骨颈从股骨颈内向外侧皮质延伸的基底和外侧部分。