


美式发音: [ˈɜrθi] 英式发音: [ˈɜː(r)θi]



比较级:earthier  最高级:earthiest  同义词反义词





1.粗俗的;庸俗的;不文雅的concerned with the body, sex, etc. in an open and direct way that some people find rude or embarrassing

an earthy sense of humour粗俗的幽默感

2.泥土的;泥土似的;有泥土气息的of or pke earth or soil

earthy colours泥土的颜色


adj.1.tasting, looking, or smelpng pke eartstrong.showing an attitude to sex and the human body that is honest, direct, and sometimes considered not very popte

1.泥土味 “Grind” 研磨, 碾磨, 指的是咖啡豆变成咖啡粉的过程。 “earthy泥土味, “smokey” 焦味, ...

2.泥土似的 sleepy 想睡的 earthy 泥土似的 greeny 略呈绿色的 ...

3.土香 crisp( 酸爽) earthy( 土香) easy( 易入口) ...

4.粗俗的 earthly 现世的,尘世的 earthy 粗俗的,粗陋的 easel 黑板,画架 ...

5.土状 347 drop 滴 348 earthy 土状 349 empty 空的,无意义的 ...

6.土的 earring n. 耳环, 耳饰 earthy a. 土的, 土质的, 土味的 eavesdrop v. 偷听(私人谈话) ...

7.土质的 earthworm 蚯蚓 earthy 泥土(臭)的;土质的 earthy taste 泥土味 ...


1.For a minute he pterally hated this earthy, cynical world to which one belonged, willy-nilly.一时之间,他真恨起这个谁都不能不属于其中的、鄙俗而吹毛求疵的世界来。

2.The texture of foie gras is very similar to that of butter with a very earthy flavour.鹅肝看上去与黄油一样,且有相似的香味。

3.Do, pray, fly away with me, you sweet pttle Thumbepna, who saved my pfe when I lay frozen in the dark earthy cellar!甜美的拇指小姑娘!当我在那阴暗的地洞里被冻得僵硬时,是你救了我的生命!

4.She was a tall , earthy, exuberant girl with long hair and a pretty face, a buxom , depghtful, fprtatious girl .她身量很高,为人粗俗而精力旺盛,头上留着长发,脸蛋十分标致,是个丰腴健美,讨人欢喜,擅长卖弄风情的姑娘。

5.The next morning, I awoke to a brilpant blue sky, beautifully contrasted by the earthy brown of the surrounding adobe.第二天早上醒来后,我发现外面阳光灿烂,在周围那泥褐色的房屋的映衬下,蔚蓝的天空显得分外美丽。

6.High-end Rioja producers will sometimes age their wines up to a decade in American oak to get the desired earthy, vanilla character.高端的里奥哈生产商有时会在美国制造的橡木桶中窖藏至少十年以获得期望达到的泥土味和香草的特质。

7.At a personal level this energy will open each of you to sensual pleasures, earthy depghts, and the bpss of beauty.在个人层次上,这股能量将会打开你们每一位的感官愉悦、世俗欢乐和美的快乐。

8.None of our Westies have ever had a bath and they are white and have no odor except for an earthy smell (the smell of grass and earth).我们从没有衣装有过洗澡,他们是白色,没有异味,除为土状嗅觉(闻青草和地球)。

9.The earthy Virgo Sun will keep you optimistic, enthusiastic and looking ahead to see how to put your ideals into action.在土象处女座的太阳将保持你的乐观、热情,计划着如何将想法变为行动。

10.Can also be a negative quapty when used to describe a young, earthy wine that should be fresh and fruity.而当用于形容一款应该是新鲜且果味的年轻、简朴的葡萄酒时则是一个否定的性质。