


美式发音: [ˈkɔʃ(ə)nˌeri] 英式发音: [ˈkɔːʃ(ə)nəri]




Adj.+n.cautionary note




1.劝告的;告诫的;警告的giving advice or a warning

a cautionary tale about the problems of buying a computer有关购买计算机时可能遇到种种问题的告诫

In her conclusion, the author sounds a cautionary note .作者在结尾时敲响了警钟。


adj.1.warning someone that they should be careful

1.警戒的 catapult 弹弓;弹射器 cautionary 劝人谨慎的,警戒的 cavalcade 骑兵队伍 ...

2.告诫的 告诫离开 : warn off 告诫的cautionary 电池告诫 : CRITICAL BATTER…

3.劝人谨慎的 catapult 弹弓;弹射器 cautionary 劝人谨慎的,警戒的 cavalcade 骑兵队伍 ...

4.警世 ... Caution 小心,谨慎 Cautionary 警戒的,小心的 Cautioner 保证人,警告者 ...

6.警告的 caution signals 警告信号 cautionary 警告的 cautious shift 谨慎偏移 ...

7.警戒性 基层 grassroots level 警戒性 Cautionary 病毒去除 virus removal ...


1.It follows the issuing of a cautionary statement on Tuesday, which said the bank was in talks that could affect its share price.本周二曾公布过一份警戒性声明,表示这家银行正在进行谈判,其股价可能会受到影响。

2.Whiteman says that she did not object when the White House edited out cautionary notes by EPA scientists.怀特曼说她不反对白宫删掉美国环境保护委员会科学家的警告性的词语。

3.At the heart of this cautionary tale sits the cigar-chomping Mr Cayne, who revelled in his firm's image as Wall Street's scrappy outsider.大声嚼着雪茄的凯恩先生处于这个引人警戒的故事的中心,他酷爱其公司作为华尔街好斗的局外人形象。

4.Unfortunately, Guo's fate doesn't seem to have served as a sufficiently cautionary tale for other officials.不幸的是,郭世忠的命运似乎并没有充分警示其他官员。

5.her pfe became a cautionary tale of the risks a Chinese citizen takes if she stands up for her rights.她的生活被警告及威胁如果她坚持作为一个中国公民的权利。

6.No doubt the developments are scary, but the crisis may serve more as a cautionary tale than the big game-changer over nuclear power.事态发展无疑令人惊恐,但此次危机可能更大程度上会起到警醒的作用,而不会颠覆整个核电行业。

7.She said she hopes her experiences will serve as a cautionary tale for other young women on the trail of easy money.她说,她希望自己的经历能给喜欢快钱的女人们提个醒。

8.IT WAS once seen as a model for Chinese firms eager to take on the world, but is now considered more of a cautionary tale.它曾被急于走向世界的中国企业看做是一种模式,但是现在它却被更多得看做是一个给人警示的故事。

9.Asked on the red carpet if it was a cautionary tale, Sir Michael repped: "It is a warning, it is a warning. "在红地毯上被问及这部电影是否是一部警示小说时,麦克先生回答到:“它只是一个警戒,只是一个警戒。”

10.Macbeth is a primer in how (not) to be a corporate wife; The Merchant of Venice is a cautionary tale about reckless lending.《麦克白》(Macbeth)讲的是如何成为(或者不要成为)企业高管的夫人;《威尼斯商人》(TheMerchantofVenice)是一个警戒鲁莽放贷的故事。