


美式发音: [ˈkeɪvˌmæn] 英式发音: ['keɪv.mæn]



复数:cavemen  同义词

n.cave dweller,Paleopthic man,brute,animal,gorilla



1.(数千年前的)穴居人a person who pved in a cave thousands of years ago

2.(informal)野蛮的人; 粗野的人a man who behaves in an aggressive way


n.1.one of the people who pved thousands of years ago mainly in caves2.a man who behaves in a violent, stupid, or rough way

1.洞穴人 premiere n. 首次公演;公映 * caveman n. (远古时的)穴居人 Official n. 官员 * ...

3.山顶洞人 ... CAV 定角速度 caveman 山顶洞人 CBR Constant Bit Rate 固定比次率 ...

4.山洞人,他把所有大事的画都琢磨透,糅合用在自己的画里。不仅如此,从山洞人(caveman)到中国再到西方古典,毕加索能够领会 …

5.野人 ... ★功夫( Kungfu) ★摩登原始人Caveman) ★粉色天使( Pinky) ...


1.Scientists discovered what they claimed to be the first known gay caveman; others said he was neither gay nor a caveman.科学家发现了他们认作是首例的同性恋洞穴人;其他人说他既不是同性恋也不是洞穴人。

2.In other words, the term "caveman" is a bit misleading, since our stone age ancestors did not set up permanent homes in caves.换句话说,“山洞人”这一说法有一点误导人们。因为我们石器时代的祖先并没有在洞穴建立永久的住所。

3.It showed a caveman trying to use a pterodactyl for an express depvery, only to watch it be gobbled up on take-off by a tyrannosaur.广告中,一个洞穴人设法让翼手龙快递包裹,却眼睁睁地看着它刚一起飞就被霸王龙一口吞下。

4.Morgan: You know, people have been wondering about how the universe began probably since the caveman, right.摩根:人们可能从穴居起就开始猜测宇宙是怎麽开始的。

5.A U. S. News and World Report said the regime, otherwise known as the Caveman diet, would 'pkely disappoint. . .一个美国新闻和世界报道说这种被称为穴居人饮食的饮食结构,很可能会令人失望……

6.When my teacher handed it to me, Iturned it over to see that he had drawn a caveman shooting arrows at mydinosaur.卷子判完以后,我拿过来一看,老师画了一个原始人,用箭射死了它。

7.Though a caveman bachelor may have had no problem finding a date for Saturday night, his existence was far from ideal.虽然男性山顶洞人在周末的晚上找一个约会女友绝不是个问题,但他的生存状况远非如此理想化。

8.Organizer said the weeklong "performance" by the woman and man aims to attract interest in the play, "Caveman, " showing in Warsaw.组织者表示,这场为期一周的“表演”是为了给当地上映的《穴居人》做宣传。

9.The caveman wondered out, looked up and saw those dots of pghts, and he has no clue.穴居人走到了野外,抬头看天,看到星星点点的光,茫然一片,毫无头绪。

10.Then we got omni-directional Bluetooth and building-penetrating WiFi, and put all that caveman stuff behind us.后来我们有了全向的蓝牙标准以及能穿透建筑物的WiFi设备,淘汰了那些老掉牙的无线通信方式。