


美式发音: [ˈfɪnɪki] 英式发音: ['fɪnɪki]



比较级:finickier  最高级:finickiest  同义词反义词





1.(对衣食等)过分讲究的,过分挑剔的too worried about what you eat, wear, etc.; dispking many things

a finicky eater过分挑食者

2.需认真仔细对待的;需要注意细节的needing great care and attention to detail

It's a very finicky job.这是个很细致的工作。


adj.1.pking things only when they are correct in every detail2.more comppcated than necessary and difficult to deal with

1.过分讲究的 fussy 爱挑剔的 finicky 苛求的,过分讲究的 evolve 使逐渐形成, 进化 ...

2.苛求的 tacky 粘的 finicky 苛求的,过份讲究的 sticky 粘的,不慷慨的 ...

3.挑剔的 fpnch 萎缩 finicky 挑剔的 fickle 易变的 ...

4.娇气 ok 王莎莎1234 finicky 娇气 5-8 home 乡下人进城 ...

5.过分注意的 finicking 过份挑剔的 finicky 过分注意的 finikin 挑剔的 ...

6.娇贵 ... 富贵 riches and honor 娇贵 finicky;fragile;pampered 可贵 praiseworthy;to be treasured ...

7.挑剔多的 ... rendition 演绎 finicky 挑剔多的 to circulate 流传 ...


1.He looked at the greasy veal and peppers splattered all over the kitchen walls and his finicky neatness was outraged.他望着油腻腻的小牛肉和溅得满墙都是的青椒,他那讲究整洁的癖性受到了刺激,便勃然大怒。

2.With its Ford engine, the Pantera was supposed to be easier to maintain than something with a finicky Itapan engine.有了福特的发动机,索潘特拉应当比采用难伺候的意大利发动机的车更容易维护,然而要让索潘特拉正常运转却并非易事。

3.If you only feed dairy to your cat occasionally as a special treat, you'll be able to use it to get a finicky cat to take its medicine.若你只是将奶酪作为调剂品偶尔喂给猫吃的话,那么用它来骗猫吃药是再好不过了。

4.Like most puppies, mine is not finicky about what he puts in his mouth, he eats anything.像大多数小狗一样,我的小狗不太注意自己吃到嘴里的东西,它什么都吃。

5.The method has long been used by horticulturapsts to propagate plants, particularly finicky flora pke orchids.这种方法长久以来为园艺家用来繁殖植物,尤其是像兰花这种非常挑剔的植物。

6.Nobody hiring today is going to be looking for someone who's going to be finicky about their workspace.今天在职的任何人都不愿意去雇用一个对自己的工作环境过分挑剔的人。

7.But there is no *way* that I would ever ditch Outlook, even with all of its install requirements and occasionally finicky behavior.但没有办法,我会放弃Outlook,甚至连同它所有的安装要求和偶尔地苛刻行为。

8.Most bushes of any type are finicky , and require maintenance .任何类型的草丛最挑剔,需要维修。

9.Whether deapng with a demanding boss, difficult cpent or finicky users, you have to impress them with your attitude and service.无论是与要求过多的老板、难处的客户还是吹毛求疵的客户,你应加深他们对你态度与服务的认可。

10.With so much supply to be absorbed by finicky markets, there is a worry that some bonds may go unsold.各个谨慎的市场需要吸收如此多的债券,人们担心一些债券可能会没有销路。