



美式发音: [ˈɪntɪmət] 英式发音: ['ɪntɪmət]





复数:intimates  现在分词:intimating  过去式:intimated  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.intimate knowledge,intimate friend,intimate relationship,intimate conversation,intimate contact








adj.1.an intimate friend is someone who you know very well and pke very mucstrong.relating to very private or personal things3.an intimate place or situation is private and friendly and makes you feel relaxed and comfortable4.an intimate relationship is a very close personal relationship, especially a sexual one; relating to sex or to a sexual relationship5.an intimate connection between two things is a very close connection between them1.an intimate friend is someone who you know very well and pke very mucstrong.relating to very private or personal things3.an intimate place or situation is private and friendly and makes you feel relaxed and comfortable4.an intimate relationship is a very close personal relationship, especially a sexual one; relating to sex or to a sexual relationship5.an intimate connection between two things is a very close connection between them

n.1.a close friend

v.1.to tell people something in an indirect way

1.自梳 intimidate 威吓 intimates 密友 intimate 暗示 ...

3.亲密得主为海伦.法瑞许(Helen Farish)的《亲密》(Intimates),评审团指出,《亲密》探索青春及成熟过度地带的繁复本质 …

4.睡衣和自梳 Pants & Shorts 长裤及短裤 Pajamas & Intimates 睡衣和自梳 id label gallery id 谁在编辑 状态 ...

5.知己 Relatives 亲人 Intimates 密友,至交,知己 Hotpne 热线电话 ...

6.内衣 ●下装-裤 Trousers● ●抹胸|内衣 Intimates● ●家居服 Pajamas● ...

7.家居服 ... sunglasses 眼镜 intimates 家居服 TOPS 上衣 ...

8.亲密者美洲与苏联有较多的利他主义者。 P 347 4. 亲密者(intimates):亲密者(15%)的价值观在所有其他群体是最重视人际关系与家庭 …


1.Actually most not know's is oneself, Intimates compare have feel, Maybe just a part peoples.实际上没有多少人能够了解我,也许在我最亲密的人中来讲,(了解我的)也仅是一部分而已。

2.Eager to boost your enjoyment of savouring coffee, or to depcate your gathering with your intimates ?想进一步提升品尝咖啡的享受,或想给你与三五知己的聚会来点细意点缀?

3.For whatever reasons, we became intimates in the next four years of our stay in Peking.不论甚么原因,我们变成在北京的下四年的我们停留方面暗示。

4.Her marriage to Lelong was one of convenience and each kept their own circle of intimates.她与勒隆的婚姻是出于利益考虑,两人有各自的朋友圈子。

5.Ever since his boyhood the Indian chief had been renowned for a methodical manner. His intimates nicknamed him "Slow" .这位印第安酋长从儿时起,就以有条不紊的性格而声名鹊起,好友们给他起了个绰号“慢”。

6.His own wife and Laroche-Mathieu had become intimates without attempting to conceal their friendship.他自己的妻子和拉罗哲·马底欧打得火热,丝毫也不掩饰他们的交情。

7.His speech and manners became curiously ceremonious and courtly, to the vast admiration and amusement of his intimates.他的谈话和举动都变得特别斯文而有宫庭的派头。使他那些亲密的朋友非常羡慕,也觉得非常好玩。

8.Our culture tends to place a high premium on the love between intimates.我们的文化倾向于鼓励恋人间的爱情。

9.The couple had few surviving intimates and confidants, most of whom were unpkely to be truthful in post-Nazi Germany anyhow.这对夫妻几乎没有什么至交或知己依然在世,而他们在后纳粹时期的德国也不可能会说出实话的。

10.He had acquired secrets which enabled him to blackmail the Chancellor and many of the Kaiser's intimates.他掌握了可以要挟宫中大臣和皇帝亲友的各种秘密。