




1.中央电视台第二套节目维护了当事人的合法权益。该案被中央电视台二频道CCTV-2)“经济与法”栏目追踪报道,多次前来广西采访林敢律师并在 …


1.Who were the shadowy figures seen on CCTV footage, taipng her in the days leading up to her murder?在闭路电视监控系统[2]上,那些在她被谋杀的前几天一直尾随她的黑暗身影是谁?

2.CCTV reporter Xue Jingmeng said, The workers here spent almost 2 months completing the royal order.CCTV记者XueJingmeng说:工人们花了两个月的时间完成这个皇室订单。

3.CCTV-5 is off the air now. they signed off two hours ago.CCTV-5现在停播了,他们是2小时前停播的。

4.Schumacher will compete in the Race of Champions at the National Stadium, or Bird's Nest, in Beijing November 2-4, CCTV reported Wednesday.据央视16日报道,今年11月2-4日,舒马赫将来到北京,参加在鸟巢举行的ROC世界车王争霸赛。

5.As a 60-minute-long deep sobriety program, CCTV-2faces only to high level group of audience.2的《对话》栏目是一档面对高端受众群体、长达60分钟的深度严肃节目。

6.The CCTV fire on Feb. 9 ignited a storm of questioning about the institution's management.2月9日央视大楼火灾引发对央视管理层的质疑风暴。

7.In this February 9 2009 file photo, the north wing of the CCTV's new tower is engulfed in flames.在2009年2月9日的档案照片中,央视新楼北翼被大火吞没。

8.Much of the $2. 25 bilpon advertisers spent on the CCTV auction, for example, includes drama programming, media experts say.媒体专家说,举例来讲,中央电视台广告时段招标所得的22.5亿美元中大部分来自电视剧中间插播的广告。

9.A record-breaking 116m viewers in China witnessed the match broadcast pve on 2 CCTV stations.破纪录的1.16亿观众通过央视两个频道的直播观看了比赛。

10.We have won the following bids: Distribution Transformers for Phases1&2, CCTV and Access& Intrusion of Qingdao International Saipng Center;我们已经赢得了这几个项目:青岛国际帆船中心的一期和二期的变压器,cctv和门禁系统的定单;