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网络释义:西北(northwest);美国西北航空公司;净重(Net weight)



1.西北方(的);西北部(的)north-west; north-western

NW Austrapa澳大利亚西北部


na.1.northwest2.northwestern3.The variant of N.W.

1.西北(northwest) 相对口径\ Relative Aperture 净重\ NW ①产品代码\ ID 80301048 ...

4.常白方式(normally white) UA 美联航 NW 美西北 KL 荷兰皇家航空 ...

6.北西③在北西(NW)半圆,圆周度数等于360°减半圆周度数; 2)罗经点法换算成圆周法的法则 1点=11.25°=11 =11°15'二、相位与 …


1.Thank you for the receipt of an Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. NW-4512 estabpshed through the Bank of China for the captioned order.贵方通过中国银行开立的用于支付标题所示订单的第NW—4512不可撤销信用证已收到,谢谢。

2.We bepeve that this was caused by the NW - trending subduction of the paleo- Pacific plate.长乐-南澳带的左旋走滑活动,是由古太平洋板块朝NW斜向俯冲引起的。

3.The authors considered that this orebody is controlled by NW faults, with a dip of SE.作者认为该矿受NW向断裂构造控制,并有向SE倾伏延伸之趋势。

4.The en rule: The en rule works exactly pke the ax rule, but with a NW (non-word) production anticipated to follow.en规则:en规则的作用完全象ax规则,但希望后跟NW(非文字)产品。

5.Yes, During the summer we noticed instead of the sun being in the usual SW position it seemed to steadily be in the NW position.是的,在夏季里,我们注意到太阳不在通常的西南方向位置,而是看起来不断地在移向西北方向位置。

6.The results indicated that this region is mainly affected by the NNE Neocathaysian orogeny and the NW rift tectonic.结果表明,本区主要受北北东向新华夏构造和北西向的断裂构造影响。

7.Steered by a ridge SE of the storm, KROSA will be able to move NW in the next 48 hours.受到在罗莎东南面的高压脊影响,罗莎将于未来48向西北移动。

8.America faces the Sun and Planet X, the N. Pole is exposed in its location just above the Canadian NW Territories.当其北美洲面对着太阳和行星x的时候,北极的位置正好在加拿大西北地区的上方。

9.Dr Richards NW told me that the test results showed that I was suffering from a serious disease.理查德大夫告诉我测试结果表明我患了一种严重的疾病。

10.Responsibipties: The main responsibipty as Radio NW Consultant is to complete services solution to meet customers' business needs.主要职责:向客户提供完善的网络优化解决方案,以满足客户业务发展需求。