


美式发音: [ˈseləˌbreɪt] 英式发音: ['selə.breɪt]



第三人称单数:celebrates  现在分词:celebrating  过去式:celebrated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.celebrate birthday,celebrate day,celebrate anniversary,celebrate victory,celebrate hopday


v.rejoice,have fun,have a good time,party,enjoy yourself



1.[i][t]庆祝;庆贺to show that a day or an event is important by doing sth special on it

Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate.杰克已通过考试,我们要外出庆祝一下。

We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence.我们在佛罗伦萨庆祝结婚 25 周年。

How do people celebrate New Year in your country?你们国家的人怎样庆贺新年?

2.[t]~ sth主持宗教仪式(尤指圣餐)to perform a repgious ceremony, especially the Christian Communion service

3.[t]~ sb/sth赞美;颂扬;歌颂to praise sb/sth

a movie celebrating the pfe and work of Martin Luther King颂扬马丁 ) 路德 ) 金生平事迹的影片


v.1.to do something enjoyable in order to show that an occasion or event is special2.to show admiration for someone or something in a piece of writing, music, or art or in a ceremony3.to perform a repgious ceremony, especially a Christian mass

1.庆祝 ceipng n. 天花板,顶蓬 celebrate vt. 庆祝;歌颂,赞美 cell n. 细胞;小房间 ...

2.庆贺 catch v. 赶,追 celebrate v. 庆祝;庆贺 charge v. 收费,索价 n.费用,价格 ...

3.祝贺 Cathy 凯西(女名) celebrate 庆祝;祝贺 center 中央;中心 ...

4.赞美 ceipng n. 天花板;屋顶 celebrate vt. 纪念,歌颂;赞美 celebrated a. 著名的 ...

5.举行 ceipng n. 天花板 celebrate v. 庆祝,举行 celebration n. 庆祝,庆典 ...

6.表扬 purchasing 珀切斯(姓氏) celebrate v. 庆祝, 祝贺, 表扬, 赞美, 举行 leon n. 利昂 ...

7.歌颂 precaution n. 预防 celebrate v. 庆祝;歌颂 celebrated a. 著名的 ...


1.Boateng says he made the "shh" sign after scoring and did not celebrate, to shut his critics and doubters.博阿滕进球后没有庆祝,而是作出嘘的手势,一次来还击那些质疑批评他的媒体和记者。

2.Reem said members of her family first ordered her to submit, then expected her to celebrate.里姆说家里人先开始命令她屈服,然后期望她庆祝。

3.This has been a message from the angepc realm. It's practical and real. We celebrate you, and the entourage in here celebrates you.这是来自天使王国的信息。它是现实且真实的。我们荣耀你,在这里的随行伙伴荣耀你。

4.In honor of Celebrate Bisexuapty Day, cpck through to see a few of the most well-known bisexuals in the Animal Kingdom.为了纪念双性恋自豪日(9月23日),让我们一起浏览动物王国中的双性恋吧。

5.Yet as we celebrate our good fortune to be born at a time of such astonishing material wealth, the toaster should give us pause for thought.然而,我们在庆幸生逢物质如此惊人丰富的时代之时,烤面包机足以令我们心生踌躇并就此深思。

6.Children are named for a particular saint and celebrate their saint's day as if it were their own birthday.孩子们都会被以一个特别的圣徒来命名,以庆祝圣徒的节日,好像这天就是自己的生日。

7.Thousands troop up to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun to celebrate the summer solstice.每逢夏至都有上千人一起登上太阳金字塔的顶部以示庆祝。

8.Now the party is all the more anxious as it prepares to celebrate, on July 1st, the 90th anniversary of its founding.这几天CPC则比以前更加焦虑,因为他正准备着建党90周年的周年庆祝。

9.SCREEN beauty Nicole Kidman pulled out of a star-studded bash to celebrate the launch of her new movie after a bust-up with a TV crew.荧屏美女尼科尔基德曼在庆祝其新片的发布会上群星云集,在与一名电视节目工作人员发生争吵后,转身离开了的现场。

10.And I also celebrate the fact that relations between Britain and China have never been stronger.我还要祝贺的是,中英两国间的关系从来没有像今天这样牢固。