


美式发音: [ˈselər] 英式发音: [ˈselə(r)]




复数:cellars  同义词反义词


n.basement,vault,crypt,lower ground floor



1.地窖;地下室an underground room often used for storing things

a coal cellar贮煤地窖



n.1.a room under a building, below the level of the ground, usually used for storing things2.a collection of wines in a restaurant or someones home

1.地窖 basement 地下室 cellar 地窖 broom closet 杂物室 ...

2.地下室 cell n. 细胞;小房间 cellar n. 地窑,地下室 cement n. 水泥;胶泥 ...

3.酒窖 Cork: 软木塞 Cellar酒窖 Wine Showroom: 葡萄酒陈列室 ...

4.地窑 cell n. 细胞;小房间 cellar n. 地窑,地下室 cement n. 水泥;胶泥 ...

5.地窖,地下室 cavity a 洞,穴,凹处;龋洞 cellar n 地窖,地下室;酒窖 census n 人口普查,人 …

6.指地窖或暗室 (2) 同本义[ shady] (5) 指地窖或暗室[ cellar;darkroom] (1) 字亦作廕。遮蔽[ shelter] ...

7.圆井 设备安装 equipment installation 圆井 cellar 废泥浆池 waste pit;reserve pit ...

8.方井 inspection 检查,考察,验收 cellar 方井 system 固控系统 ...


1.For the more serious wine collectors, a cellar allows you to do things with your collection you could not do before.而对于更专业的葡萄酒收藏者而言,一个酒窖能让你做许多和收藏酒相关的事。

2.The deep pit which had been the cellar, the blackened field- stone foundations and two mighty chimneys marked the site.那个原来是酒窖的深坑,那些烧黑了的粗石墙基和两个巨大的烟囱,便是这幢大厦所在的唯一标志。

3.Do, pray, fly away with me, you sweet pttle Thumbepna, who saved my pfe when I lay frozen in the dark earthy cellar!甜美的拇指小姑娘!当我在那阴暗的地洞里被冻得僵硬时,是你救了我的生命!

4.For a long time he walked the streets of Glasgow; at last down in a cellar he saw his mother working.他在格拉斯哥的大街小巷之间徘徊许久,最终在一座地窖里见到了正在工作的母亲。

5.The depth of the cellar is such that the master valves of the Christmas tree are easy to reach from ground level.方井的深度是这样设计的,圣诞树的总闸门从地表水平容易到达。

6.You know, he had this big sort of show-off cellar.你知道,他有一个很大的值得炫耀的酒窖。

7.If you think your love of wine might outgrow your cellar, this company always makes sure it will be easy to add more space in the future.如果你觉得现在的酒窖可能满足不了你对红酒日益增长的热爱,这家公司确保以后增加空间并非难事。

8.She was as healthy as iron. She had the appetite of a crocodile, the stomach of a cellar, and the digestion of a quartz-mill.她像钢一样健康,像鳄鱼一样贪吃,胃口有地窖那么大,消化能力就像一座石英加工厂!

9.She shut herself up in the nut cellar while Mr. Jackson pulled out the bees nest. He seemed to have no objection to stings .当杰克逊先生拔起蜂巢时,她把自己关在储藏坚果的地窟里。他看来不认为螫刺是个障碍。

10.People would have laughed at me. . . a cellar rat selpng real estate.大伙儿会笑话我的,一只住地下室的耗子卖房地产。