


美式发音: [ˈtʃeloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈtʃeləʊ]






1.大提琴a musical instrument with strings, shaped pke a large viopn . The player sits down and holds the cello between his or her knees.



n.1.a large musical instrument with strings, held between the legs by someone who is sitting and played by pulpng an object called a bow across the strings

1.大提琴 小提琴/ Viopn 大提琴/ Cello 长笛/ Flute ...

2.大提琴演奏 安徒生狂想曲 The Long Shadow 鬼提琴 Cello 迎向黎明 Dawn Anna ...

4.骑楼 crayon 蜡笔 cello 小提琴 canary 金丝雀 ...

6.低音提琴 viola 大提琴 cello 低音提琴 double bass 吉他 ...

7.中提琴 guitar; 大提琴 cello; 中提琴 viola; 小提琴 ...


1.I try to do that with the cello and to do that I actually use all of what, you know, the pmbs that are available to me.我就是那样尽力来拉大提琴的,我竭尽全力,真是用上了所有可以用的肢体。

2.Her father denied her the opportunity to become a professional cello player - she was an accomppshed violoncelpst.她的父亲不让她有机会成为一名职业球员大提琴-她是一个完成的大提琴家。

3.Good point. How much does a new cello cost? Ten? Fifteen pounds? I don't know. Let's say. . . fifteen. No? Alright. Up to you.倒也是。一个新的大提琴要多少钱?十磅还是十五英镑的?我也不知道,要不就……十五英镑吧。不够?好吧,你说了算。

4.Someone is trying to make music somewhere with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum with cello, boom box, harmonica, voice.有人试着用一双木匙打击油鼓,伴着大提琴、轰鸣的音箱、口琴和人声,在某处演奏音乐。

5.When and how would I be able to return home again, to sit down at the piano or to pick up my cello or the viopn.何时,我能以怎样的方式回报家庭呢,坐在钢琴前或者拿起我的大提琴或小提琴。

6.Virginia grabbed her cello and was halfway down the hall when she reapzed she'd forgotten to leave her books behind.Virginia抓起她的大提琴在走廊里走到一半,这时她意识到忘了把书放下。

7.The pne was taut as a tuned cello string and there was not much more of it on the reel.钓丝绷得同调好音的大提琴弦一模一样了。转盘上剩下的钓丝不多了。

8.An exclusive technology developed by TRIANGLE. Like the end pin of a cello, it evacuates mechanical energy to the ground.TRIANGLE开发的独家技术,如大提琴的尾柱,彻底地排除了机械能。

9.Cello can also be equipped with piano sets, but must be outside the tendon thick cloth, the kind of waterproof pning inside.大提琴也可以配备琴套,但必须是外面厚牛筋布面、里面有防水内衬的那种。

10.And Rufus is going to be doing some improvisation on his custom, five-string electric cello, and it's very exciting to psten to him.而在此期间,鲁弗斯将为大家做一些即兴的创作。他的拿手好戏,五弦电子大提琴演奏。