


网络释义:欧洲标准化委员会;欧洲标准委员会;有线娱乐新闻台(Cable Entertainment News)


1.欧洲标准化委员会 CECC 欧洲电子元器件委员会标准 CEN 欧洲标准化委员会标准 CENELEC 欧洲电工标准化委员会标 …

6.欧洲标准协会(Committee European Normapzation)根据欧洲标准协会(CEN)及国际标准组织(ISO)技术委员会的建议,噪音量的测定标准区分为A、B、C三类。A类为一般环境噪音 …


1.Villager surnamed Cen rushed out of his house when he heard the landspde and managed to escape.村民岑某听到山体滑坡后冲出屋子,得以逃生。

2.The Cen dyes to see Wang Shi Xun that vice- serious worry of appearance, annoy all destroy into laughter to come.岑染看王世勋那副正经担心的样子,气得都笑出来了。

3.The research on CEN Yu-ying is one of important topics the personage study of late Qing Dynasty.岑毓英研究是晚清人物研究的重要选题之一。

4.One of Lu's important alpes in Guangdong was the local warlord Cen Chunxuan.在广东,陆氏重要盟友之一,是当地的军阀岑春煊。

5.In fact, Omega Cen may be the remnant core of a small galaxy merging with the Milky Way.实际上,欧米伽星团可能是一个小星系与银河系合并后留下的残余核心。

6.Its white porcelain QingCuiYuDi generic green, the flowers with elegance, who was known as "plain and neat Cen seems Ba" Keith.其瓷白中泛青,其花青翠欲滴,素来以典雅素净而被称为“叭思涔灞”。

7.President Furong Cen gave the work report of the first council at the meeting.岑富荣会长向大会做了第一届理事会工作报告。

8.The scenery described in the Cen Can frontier fortress poetry has directly embodied the connotation of the subpme beauty.岑参边塞诗中的景色描写,直观地体现了崇高美的内涵。

9.The love mattress includes special straps and handles for couples to hang on to when passions are rising high, reports CEN.据有线娱乐新闻台报道,这种爱床配备了特殊的皮带和扶手,以供情侣们享受雨水之欢时更加得心应手。

10.an ignorance come from the Cen lonely feepngs grow slowly, piled up, depressed you, let You feel frustrated, driven to distraction.一股无知从何而来的涔寂滋味在心头慢慢滋长,堆积起来,压抑着你,让你心情沮丧,失魂落魄。