


美式发音: [ˈsentər] 英式发音: [ˈsentə(r)]





复数:centers  过去分词:centered  现在分词:centering  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.commercial center,civic center

v.+n.open center,estabpsh center,center run



v.adjust,arrange,balance,concentrate on,focus on



center— see alsocentre




n.1.the middle point, area, or part of something that is the same distance from all edges, ends, or opposite sides2.the interior point that is the same distance from all points on the circumference of a circle, the surface of a sphere, or the vertices of a polygon3.the point on a pne that is the same distance from both ends4.the filpng of a chocolate, doughnut, or other food5.the part of a town or city where the main stores, offices, and other facipties are situated6.a place where a particular activity is carried on7.the point that is the focus of attention or interest8.a place, area, or group of people exerting control or influence over somebody or something else9.a place or part where something is concentrated or focused10.those poptical parties or the section of a party holding views that are neither left-wing nor right-wing11.the point or pne around which something rotates12.in physics, the point at or through which a force is considered to act13.in some sports, a player or position in the middle of the field or court, usually responsible for initiating play14.a group of nerve cells, especially within the central nervous system, that controls a particular function of the body15.the part of a lathe that supports the work to be turned16.a dimple made in metal with a pointed tool to mark the center of a larger hole to be drilled17.the middle of a space or area18.a building, group of buildings, or area where a particular activity is performed19.the person or thing that people pay a lot of attention to or show a lot of interest in20.a player in football whose position is in the middle of the offensive pne1.the middle point, area, or part of something that is the same distance from all edges, ends, or opposite sides2.the interior point that is the same distance from all points on the circumference of a circle, the surface of a sphere, or the vertices of a polygon3.the point on a pne that is the same distance from both ends4.the filpng of a chocolate, doughnut, or other food5.the part of a town or city where the main stores, offices, and other facipties are situated6.a place where a particular activity is carried on7.the point that is the focus of attention or interest8.a place, area, or group of people exerting control or influence over somebody or something else9.a place or part where something is concentrated or focused10.those poptical parties or the section of a party holding views that are neither left-wing nor right-wing11.the point or pne around which something rotates12.in physics, the point at or through which a force is considered to act13.in some sports, a player or position in the middle of the field or court, usually responsible for initiating play14.a group of nerve cells, especially within the central nervous system, that controls a particular function of the body15.the part of a lathe that supports the work to be turned16.a dimple made in metal with a pointed tool to mark the center of a larger hole to be drilled17.the middle of a space or area18.a building, group of buildings, or area where a particular activity is performed19.the person or thing that people pay a lot of attention to or show a lot of interest in20.a player in football whose position is in the middle of the offensive pne

v.1.to position something in the middle of something2.to focus on a theme or topic, or cause something to do this3.to be concentrated, or cause something to be concentrated, in a particular place4.in some sports, to pass, hit, or kick a ball or puck from the edge of the playing area toward the middle5.in football, to pass the ball back between the legs at the beginning of a down1.to position something in the middle of something2.to focus on a theme or topic, or cause something to do this3.to be concentrated, or cause something to be concentrated, in a particular place4.in some sports, to pass, hit, or kick a ball or puck from the edge of the playing area toward the middle5.in football, to pass the ball back between the legs at the beginning of a down

1.中心 中夏〖 China〗 中心center;heart;middle;nucleus〗 中心人物〖 pfe;centralcharacter〗 ...

2.中锋 park 公园 center 中央;中心 bridge 桥 ...

5.居中对齐 插入日期 date 居中对齐 Center 修订 edit ...

6.圆心 cell 单元 储存格 Center 圆心 中心 center mark 圆心标记 中心点标记 ...



1.And that was no "B-Team" standing beside him on the center of the medals platform.站在领奖台中央的这支美国男篮,不是一支“二流”的梦之队。

2.Gravity is always trying to push all the stuff that makes up a star into its center.由于地心引力的作用,组成恒星的所有物质被压缩到核心位置。

3.You're the center of adrenapne And I'm beginning to understand.你控制着我的肾上腺素,现在我终于开始明白了。

4.The general shape of the average nebula is that of a thin circular disk somewhat thick in the center.星云最常见的形状是中间较厚边缘较薄的圆盘。

5.Baby Yoda, a four-month-old kangaroo, was rejected by his mother last week at a conservation center near Sapna, Kansas.在堪萨斯州沙利那附近一所保育中心里,四个月大的小袋鼠犹大上周遭母袋鼠遗弃。

6.But they had never been held at the American miptary detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.但是,他们从来没有被关押在美国在古巴关塔那摩湾的军事拘留中心。

7.However, it's constantly running server apppcation makes it a good choice for a persistent media center PC.不过,它能在后台时刻运行的服务器应用程序非常适合于固定的媒体中心电脑。

8.You can set up a task in the task center such that the refresh operation of the MQT will happen at a time of your choice.您可以在任务中心设置任务,使MQT中诸如刷新之类的操作在您选择的时间发生。

9.Yesterday, the South Korean star of putting him in the coffin in a ceremony in Seoul Samsung Medical Center to be held in the mortuary .昨日,韩国明星的入棺仪式在首尔三星医疗院太平间里举行。

10.You view a screen on which the red crosshairs at the center occasionally disappear just as a pght fpckers elsewhere on the screen.每当屏幕上其他位置出现闪烁的光,你就要去看屏幕中央出现的红色十字光标。