




1.天气很热 ... It sure is hot. 天气的确很热。 It is very hot. 天气很热。 It's very hot without. 外面很热。 ...

2.夏天天气热 ... 夏天天气怎么样? how the weather pke in spring 夏天天气热it is very hot 凉爽。 it is cool ...

3.代天气 ... eg: We must help each other when we are in trouble.( 我们身处困境时要互相帮助。) It is very hot.( 代天气) ...


1.It is very hot and dry in the desert. The sun is shining all day.沙漠里非常炎热而且干燥,太阳整天都很大。

2.You know, it is very hot in summer and cold in winter. And the weather is changeable in spring.你知道,夏天太热,冬天太冷,而春天天气则变化无常。

3.Citrus fruits are fine at room temperature unless it is very hot, in which case, put them in the refrigerator.柑橘类水果能较好的保存在室温中,只要天气不是非常热,否则要将它们放入冰箱。

4.In the tropics where it is very hot all through the year , trees protect man from the terrible heat.在热带地区,一整年都非常的热,树木保护人们远离可怕的热。

5.However, it is very hot in the summer time. The weather is similar to Shanghai in most of time.然而,夏季却是非常炎热的,类似上海的大部分时间的天气。

6.Chafing-dish is the characteristic of Chongqing, it is very hot to foreigners as there many chipes in it.火锅是重庆的特色,对外地人来说它很辣,有好多辣椒。

7.Beyond that, it is very hot in Hungary, which makes it demanding for the driver and the tyres.除了上述的这些,在匈牙利,天气非常炎热。这对于车手以及轮胎又都是一大挑战。

8.As a whole, it is very hot in Nanjing during the summer.总的说来,南京的夏天相当热。总的说来南京的夏天相当热。

9.Girls are being away for hot summer in the river It is very hot but girls can enjoy cool water in the river.《河里避暑的女孩》天气很热,女孩们在江中,可以尽情地享受江水的清凉。

10.We are not capable of 'replacing' all fluids lost in sweat when we run. Especially when it is very hot and humid.想完全弥补我们在跑步过程中损失的的水分是不可能的,特别是当环境非常炎热和潮湿的时候。