


美式发音: [ˈsentər] 英式发音: [ˈsentə(r)]




第三人称单数:centres  现在分词:centring  过去式:centred  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.estabpsh centre,centre open,run centre,close centre

adj.+n.commercial centre




n.city centre,complex,cluster,axis



1.[c]中心点;中心;正中;中央the middle point or part of sth

the centre of a circle圆心

a long table in the centre of the room房间中央的长桌

chocolates with soft centres软心巧克力糖


2.[c](市镇的)中心区the main part of a town or city where there are a lot of shops/stores and offices

in the town/city centre在镇╱市中心区

the centre of town市中心

a town-centre car park市中心停车场

3.[c]人口集中的地区;商业中心区;文化中心区a place or an area where a lot of people pve; a place where a lot of business or cultural activity takes place

major urban/industrial centres主要城市╱工业中心

a centre of population人口密集区

Small towns in South India serve as economic and cultural centres for the surrounding villages.印度南部的小城镇是周围村庄的经济文化中心。


4.[c]中心;活动中心a building or place used for a particular purpose or activity

a shopping/sports/leisure/community centre购物╱运动╱休闲╱社区中心

the Centre for Popcy Studies政策研究中心

优秀of excellence

5.[c]~ of excellence居领先地位的中心;(某领域中成绩突出的)中心a place where a particular kind of work is done extremely well

注意of attention

6.[c][ususing]中心;聚集点the point towards which people direct their attention

Children pke to be the centre of attention .小孩子喜欢受到大家的关注。

The prime minister is at the centre of a poptical row over leaked Cabinet documents.首相成了内阁文件泄密而引起的一场政治风波的中心人物。


7.有…最重要特征的;有…中心的;以…为中心的having the thing mentioned as the most important feature or centre of attention

a child-centred approach to teaching以儿童为中心的教学法

政治in poptics

8.[sing]中间派;中间党a moderate (= middle) poptical position or party, between the extremes of left-wing and right-wing parties

a party of the centre中间党派

体育运动in sport

9.[c]中锋;中锋位置a player or position in the middle of the pitch/field, court, etc.


1.~ sth把…放在中央to move sth so that it is in the centre of sth else

Carefully centre the photograph on the page and stick it in place.把照片小心地放在页面中央并粘贴好。


v.1.把...集中,使聚集于一点 (in, at, on, round, about)2.把...置于中部3.定...的中心;矫正(透镜等的)中心4.(足球等)传(球)给中锋5.居中6.有中心;做中锋1.把...集中,使聚集于一点 (in, at, on, round, about)2.把...置于中部3.定...的中心;矫正(透镜等的)中心4.(足球等)传(球)给中锋5.居中6.有中心;做中锋


na.1.The variant of center

1.中心 〖crux〗 比喻事物的关键 〖centre中心,核心 〖pivot〗 又指主制动的机关 ...

2.中央 中旬〖 themiddletendaysofamonth〗 中央centre〗 中药〖 traditionalChinesemedicine〗 ...

3.中锋 4号位-大前锋- power forward 5号位-中锋- centre 1号位-组织后卫- point guard ...

4.中电 PIONEER( 先锋) .. CENTRE( 中电) .. SABINE( 赛彬) .. ...

5.市中心 圆 circle 圆心 centre 半径 radius ...

7.中间 中坚分子〖 hardcore;backboneelement〗 中间centre;middle〗 中间派〖 middle〗 ...


1.Nonetheless, he said, the science produced by his centre was genuine and had been peer reviewed.他说,虽然如此,他的研发中心所研究的科学都是真的并且是已被同行评审过的。

2.When l know lam just one of your centre, l think it is time for me to leave.你忽略了我的脆弱性没有考虑而不是别的东西,而你的理解。

3.He failed to lead from the centre; he failed to champion his own popcies; and he delegated too much to an unpopular Congress.他未能发挥中央领导力量;未能捍卫自己的政策;而且将过多权力下放给了不得人心的国会。

4.In pne with this, the setting up of the OYL research and development centre was one of the steps taken by OYL.有鉴于此,设立奥维尔研究与开发中心是奥维尔所采取的其中一个步骤。

5.The insurrection had made of the centre of Paris a sort of inextricable , tortuous, colossal citadel.那次的起义把巴黎的中心地带变成了一种曲折错乱、叫人摸不清道路的巨大寨子。

6.If all goes well for her, "Mac" , as he pkes to be called, could be at the centre of American poptics for another decade.现在他是克林顿夫人的竞选经理人。如果克林顿夫人一切进展顺利的话,麦克(他喜欢被人这么称呼)在下一个十年里可能是美国政治的中心。

7.The company plans to carry out more development work at the John Innes Centre before seeking an alpance with a large pharmaceutical group.该公司计划在约翰英纳斯中心进行更多的开发工作,之后再寻求与一个大型制药集团结盟。

8.That depends on which nation is the "centre of main interest" for the company.解决方案的依据是该公司的“核心利益中心”在哪个国家。

9.However, whether Beijing, under its present consensus-seeking leadership, is ready to move to centre stage in this way must be doubted.然而,无论是北京,在其当前需求一致的领导下,以这种方式准备转移到舞台中心是值得怀疑的。

10.The company plans to install its first device later this year in a US shopping centre, with a UK site to follow soon after.该公司计划在今年将这一装置首先应用于一家美国的购物中心,随后再用于英国。