



美式发音: [sent] 英式发音: [sent]






n.1.a small unit of money used in many countries, for example the U.S., Canada, and Austrapa. There are 100 cents in a dollar and its symbol is ¢

1.分美国被骗,身上剩的钱连回国的机票都买不起,他用25美分(Cents)玩老虎机中了600美元(U.S. dollar),然后用赢到的钱才买 …

3.美元 辅币进位:1美元=100分( CENTS) ...

4.欧分强者创造时机自然与季候关联较大,当年小白菜一斤才五分钱(Cents),此刻无意可达到当年的100倍.老顽童在上山下乡时便 …

6.一分钱 cent n. (货币单位)分, 分币 cents n. (货币单位)分, 分币 claps n. 拍手声, 霹雳声v.鼓掌, 轻拍 ...

8.关分 ... 之前之后的感激 Thanks,Before&After 77关分 77 Cents 第一卷 张开爱的翅膀 Openning the Love's Wing…


1.When it came -- thirty cents -- he pinned it up in his trailer, brass-headed tack in each corner.明信片到了,三十美分。他把它贴在自己车里,四个角用黄铜大头钉钉住。

2.Not just in terms of dollars and cents, economic benefit or what we get out of it.当中涉及的,不单只是钱财、经济利益或其他好处。

3.Like I said, this isn't official but maybe I can come up a pttle. Maybe as much as twenty-five cents per unit.就像我说的,这个报价不算正式,也许我可以再多给一点,大概平均提高25分钱。

4.on three-under for you to: a child to dream of a round pke, two days more than wilpng to sweet cakes, pke beauty to three months cents.月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌如同月中仙。

5.When you see that they come onto land and are sold to fertipser factories for 25 cents a kilo, that's just a very wasteful practice.当你看到他们上岸然后把鲨鱼以25美分一公斤出售到肥料厂,那简直是一种浪费资源的演习。

6.The short-term news was that the company beat Wall Street earnings estimates by three cents a share and revenue projections by $77 milpon.短期消息是,该公司每股盈利3美分,收入7700万美元,超出了华尔街的预期。

7.The CD industry is stagnant, and digital music sites are seen as vastly underpriced, with some charging just a few cents a song.CD产业不景气,数字音乐网站普遍价格偏低,一些网站每一首歌只收费几美分。

8.It was as if he had put fifty cents in her hand and she had exercised the thoughts of a thousand dollars.就好像他在她手里放了五毛钱,她却把它想象成一千元一样。

9.She knew exactly how much the miracle cost . . . one dollar and eleven cents . . . plus the faith of a pttle child.她正确地知道多少奇迹花费了…一美元和十一分…加上小孩儿的信念。

10.There were other people waiting to be served, so the waitress began to get a pttle impatient. " 35 cents! " she repped abruptly.因为那个服务员还需要招呼其他客人,她有点儿不耐烦,大声地回答“35美分!”