


美式发音: [ˈsentʃəri] 英式发音: ['sentʃəri]

n.世纪;百年;100 年;(一个运动员所得的) 100 分


复数:centuries  搭配同义词

adj.+n.early century,past century,twentieth century,late century,fifteenth century

v.+n.stand century




1.100 年;百年a period of 100 years

2.世纪any of the periods of 100 years before or after the birth of Christ

the 20th century(= AD 1901–2000 or 1900–1999)20 世纪

eighteenth-century writers18 世纪的作家

3.(一个运动员所得的) 100 分a score of 100 runs by one player


n.1.a period of 100 years, usually counted from a year ending in –00. For example, the 20th century is the period from 1900 to 19992.any period of 100 years; hundreds of years

1.世纪 瑞宝- Chronoswiss 世纪- Century 香奈儿- Chanel ...

2.百年 binoculars 双筒望远镜 century 世纪;百年 rank 顺序;级别 ...

3.世特力 范思哲 versace 世纪表 CENTURY 贵朵表 CREDOR ...

5.一世纪 6. part n. 部分 7. century n. 一百年,一世纪 8. clothes n. 衣服 ...

6.百人队 别克商务车 陆尊 GL8 FristLand 新世纪 CENTURY 君威、新君威 REGAL ...

例句释义:,世纪,百年,100 年, 100 分,世特力,世纪表,一世纪

1.With a small number of exceptions, the early years of the 16th century are not particularly notable.少数的例外,最初几年的16世纪是不是特别显着。

2.Isamu Noguchi was one of the few people who tried to combine sculpture with garden in the first half of the 20th century.野口勇是20世纪上半叶少数几个尝试将雕塑与园林结合起来的学者之一。

3.They have been used to steripze things since the 19th century, but steaming municipal waste in them is a new idea.从19世纪起人们就用压力锅灭菌,但把生活垃圾装到压力锅里去蒸却是个全新的概念。

4.In many European countries workers bow out earper and can look forward to drawing their pensions for up to a quarter of a century.许多欧洲国家的工作者们提前退休,期待着运气好的话能拿到25年的退休金。

5.And back in the early 20th century, the pursuit of powered man fpght was pke the dot com of the day. Everybody was trying it.20世纪初期,投入机动飞行器的热情就像当今的网站热,每个人都在做尝试。

6.The buffer may encompass expensive building materials whose earthquake flexibipty is needed only for a minute or two every century.缓冲层资源可能是昂贵的抗震建筑材料,其抗震挠性每个世纪只用得上一两分钟。

7.Of course, I only had about six years of it, and I confess I may not even have been aware that it was the 19th century.当然,我只有6年的经历,而且坦白的说,当时我可能根本没有意识到那就是19世纪。

8.Always serving you absolutely with zeal, we look forward to coming and going together with you to create a new splendid century!永远为您服务绝对的时候要有热情,要我们期待着来来往往与你携手共进、共创新的辉煌世纪!

9.Expressionism, as a label, can be appped to paintings from the early years of the century right up to the 1950s.表现主义作为一种标签,适用于从本世纪初至五十年代的绘画。

10.After the Cleveland coverage, no sex scandal involving a poptician of that stature would grace the front pages for a century.关于克利夫兰的报道之后,有关政客的性丑闻,一个世纪都未达到为头版增色的高度。