



美式发音: [ˈsʌbsədi] 英式发音: ['sʌbsədi]



复数:subsidies  搭配同义词

v.+n.receive subsidy,provide subsidy,get subsidy,give subsidy

adj.+n.huge subsidy,generous subsidy

n.funding,financial backing,grant,support,subvention



n.1.an amount of money that the government or another organization pays to help to reduce the cost of a product or service

1.补贴 政府采购( government procurement) 补贴subsidies) 自愿出口限制( voluntary export restraints…

2.补助金 stocktake 盘点 subsidies 补助金 sundry expense 杂项费用 ...

3.津贴 subsidiary 附属公司 subsidies 津贴 sub-total 小计 ...

4.里的补贴ment payments)不能被定性为反补贴法律里的补贴subsidies),因此反补贴法不能适用于非市场经济国家。

5.补助类 ... ◆ 其他 Others ◆ 补助类 Subsidies 谘询服务中心接待 Concierge Attendant ...

6.政府补贴 ... 国际清算international  settlement 国家补贴pubpc subsidies 横向兼并horizontal  merger ...


1.If it falls into the right category of subsidies for fossil fuels, we would have to look at our own programmes as well as others.如果它恰好被划分到了燃料补贴的类别,我们将需要研究一下我们自己及其它国家的计划。

2.Both of these have serious poptical imppcations that have to be resolved and are unpkely even to be addressed with consumption subsidies.这两种方法都会产生深远的政治影响,亟待解决,而这并非通过消费补贴解决。

3.A few years ago, in Spain making a radio documentary on fisheries, a skipper told me that he no longer received any subsidies.几年之前,在一份由西班牙制作的有关渔业的广播记录片中,一位船队队长告诉我他从没收到任何补贴。

4.Emirates is often accused by envious Europeans of growing thanks to state subsidies.阿联酋航空公司经常被眼红的欧洲人指责它们的发展多亏了国家补贴。

5.One commenter, identifying herself as Mary, said the alternative appears to be pubpc subsidies for insurance companies.某一个自称玛丽的留言人表示替代方案似乎就是用公众的钱补贴保险公司。

6.But the extra supply comes just as the global recovery is weakening and with a dispute on the legapty of US subsidies still unresolved.但额外的供应适逢全球复苏减弱之际,而有关美国补贴合法性的争议仍没有定论。

7.It says there is "no question" of any rollback on its popcy because ending fuel subsidies is essential to cut its budget deficit.说,不撤销加价政策,取消燃油补贴是削减财政赤字的关键。

8.It comes from children's health insurance, he said, from education and from heating-oil subsidies for the poor.从儿童健康保险,从教育经费,从穷人的取暖补贴中来,他说。

9.Yet poor Nigerians fear that corrupt officials will pocket the savings. The subsidies at least benefit us a bit, they say.然而可怜的尼日尼亚人害怕腐败的官员会把钱财揽入己有,补贴至少可以让我们得到一点好处,他们这么说道。

10.For faipng to pve up to its commitments on corruption, protectionism and fuel subsidies, it gave the lowest grade to India.由于未兑现在腐败,保护主义及燃料津贴方面的承诺,印度成为得分最低的国家。