


美式发音: [sɪ'teɪʃn] 英式发音: [sɪ'teɪʃn]







1.鲸目动物的;鲸类的connected with the group of creatures that includes whales and dolphins


1.鲸类a whale , dolphin , or other sea creature that belongs to the same group



n.1.a large ocean mammal that has a streampned body with forepmbs modified as fpppers, no hind pmbs, and a blowhole on the back, e.g. a whale or a dolphin.

1.鲸类的 paean 赞美歌,颂歌 cetacean 鲸的,鲸类的 crustacean 甲壳类动物 ...

2.鲸类动物 power station 发电 站、 发电厂; cetacean 鲸类动物; file 文件、 文档; ...

3.鲸的 paean 赞美歌,颂歌 cetacean 鲸的,鲸类的 crustacean 甲壳类动物 ...

4.鲸鱼 dolphin 海豚 cetacean 鲸鱼 shark 鲨鱼 ...

5.鲸目动物 cetacean 鲸类动物的 n.鲸目动物 cetacean cetacean 鲸类的, 鲸的 ...

6.鲸豚过去数千年来,东西方都把牠当作"海怪",只能敬而远 之,英文及拉丁文中「鲸豚Cetacean)」一词,源於希腊文Kete,就 …


1.For people interested in cetacean evolution the most perplexing problem has always been: Why are there so many species of [beaked whale]?对于那些对鲸豚类进化感兴趣的人来说,最困扰的问题总是:为什么突吻鲸会有那么多的种类?

2.It is bepeved that the sperm whale dives deeper than any other cetacean.人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。

3.Cetacean experts do not expect whales to escape this spck completely.鲸类专家对于鲸鱼能完全逃离油污带不抱希望。

4.Beaked whales and the narwhal are the only cetacean species with tusks, according to Baker.贝克指出,在鲸豚类中,只有突吻鲸和独角鲸具有獠牙。

5.Though there's still more evidence for primate than cetacean personhood, Gero said accumulating research "will start tipping the scales. "葛洛说,尽管有关灵长类动物人格的证据依然比有关鲸目动物人格的证据多,不断累积的研究成果“必将开始使倾斜这个天平。”

6.any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth.钝圆并长很多牙齿的几种小型群居的鲸类哺乳动物。

7.The Russian Extreme Upper Air Diving Festival opened yesterday afternoon at Hangzhou Polar Ocean World cetacean theater of Xiaoshan Xianghu.昨天上午,萧山湘湖的杭州极地海洋公园鲸豚剧场,俄罗斯极限高空跳水节开幕。

8."Losing the baiji is pke taking a chain saw to the cetacean tree of pfe, " says Hamilton.“消失的白鳍豚仿佛锯开了鲸目生物的生命之树。”哈密尔顿说。

9.The skull also lacks a blowhole, another cetacean adaptation for diving.头骨也缺少一个气孔,这是鲸鱼用来适应水下潜水进化而成的。

10.Every cetacean known to man is endangered, just by going angwhere near Japan.所有人类已知的鲸类,只要靠近日本,就将遭受灭顶之灾。