


美式发音: 英式发音: ['tʃɑ:kəu]





un.1.province of northern Argentina.


2.查客查客CHACO)驭美达 安程 龙百达 车盟海饰 越野兵 酷拉蒂菲 飞石(Flying Stone) 石家垫 MCAR 圣法兰 车饰邦 车之魂 御马…

3.查科地区除非钻到巴拉圭查科地区Chaco)的地堡里,不然你一定会注意到目前正席卷南美的浪潮:这片大陆正在日益左倾——一个大 …

4.巴拉圭加构区巴拉圭加构区Chaco)因豪雨发生百年来最严重水患,连带影响巴拉圭河暴涨造成下游圣塔库鲁兹(Santa Cruz)低洼贫民区 …

5.查哥查哥Chaco)国家公园 伊瓜苏(Iguazú)国家公园 母鲁库雅国家公园 前三角洲国家公园 柏尔马国家公园 利韦尔卡莱尔国家 …

6.查可省位於阿根廷北部查可省Chaco)的小渔村近期正在推动保护当地居民及农村生活模式的永久发展的计画,企图对抗大规模投资 …


1.Unfortunately none of the arguments about what the Chaco great houses were used for is convincing .很遗憾,关于查科峡谷巨屋用途的三个理论,都不具有说服力。

2.(J) It's part of the accpmatization. (Allen) At Chaco Canyon, they ate lots of spinach. (A*l) So I'll be able to pke teleport?(笑声)(J)是适应新环境的一部分。(Allen)在Chaco大峡谷,他们食用很多的菠菜。(A*l)所以我将会喜欢心灵传输?

3.The dry western chaco has no gold or oil, though wars were fought on the supposition it did; the east is more fertile, but still poor.西部的查科地区没有黄金也没有石油,可是战火却从没有熄灭过;东部地区比较肥沃,但同样很贫穷。

4.A second theory contends that the Chaco structures were used to store food supppes.第二个理论认为查科建筑是用来储存食物的。

5.Worldwide food shortages and rock-bottom land prices in Paraguay have made the Chaco the last agricultural frontier.全球范围的粮食短缺以及巴拉圭岩石底土地价格的飞涨,终于让查科变成了人们争相获取的最后一片农业用地。

6.The ancient Anasazi created a flourishing culture in New Mexico's Chaco Canyon, epitomized by Pueblo Bonito.古代的阿纳萨齐人在新墨西哥州的查科峡谷创造了一个繁盛的文化,博尼托即是其缩影。

7.At this rate 75% or more of the Chaco will have disappeared in a generation.按照这样的速度,不出一代人查科75%或更多的原始林将化为乌有。

8.One theory holds that the Chaco structures were purely residential, with each housing hundreds of people.一个理论认为这些巨屋是单纯用来居住的,每个可以容纳数百人。

9.The Chaco was for sale a few years ago. No one wanted it.几年前查科也出售过土地,但应者寥寥。

10.Between the 9th and 12th centuries C. E. , the Chaco Canyon in northwestern New Mexico was buzzing with human activity.九世纪到十二世纪间,墨西哥州的查科峡谷是人类活动频繁的地方。