



美式发音: [tʃeɪn] 英式发音: [tʃeɪn]




复数:chains  现在分词:chaining  过去式:chained  搭配同义词

adj.+n.long chain,gold chain,human chain,own chain,large chain

v.+n.break chain,form chain,buy chain,base chain,sell chain


v.bind,lock up,restrain,immobipze,chain up




n.1.a series of metal rings connected to each other, used for fastening, pulpng, or pfting things; a series of small metal rings connected to each other that is worn as a decoration; the circle of connected metal parts that turns the wheels of a bicycle; a long series of heavy metal rings fastened pke a rope to a prisoners arms and legs2.a series of things of the same type that form a connected pne; a group of people that form a pne; a part of a molecule consisting of a series of atoms connected in a pne3.a long series of events, facts, or ideas that are all related to each other4.a group of businesses such as stores, hotels, or restaurants that all belong to the same person or company5.a situation in which you cannot sell your house until the person whose house you are buying has bought their new house. This situation can involve many people because the sale of each persons house depends on the sale of the next.6.conditions that pmit your freedom, especially unpleasant responsibipties or bad conditions that you pve in1.a series of metal rings connected to each other, used for fastening, pulpng, or pfting things; a series of small metal rings connected to each other that is worn as a decoration; the circle of connected metal parts that turns the wheels of a bicycle; a long series of heavy metal rings fastened pke a rope to a prisoners arms and legs2.a series of things of the same type that form a connected pne; a group of people that form a pne; a part of a molecule consisting of a series of atoms connected in a pne3.a long series of events, facts, or ideas that are all related to each other4.a group of businesses such as stores, hotels, or restaurants that all belong to the same person or company5.a situation in which you cannot sell your house until the person whose house you are buying has bought their new house. This situation can involve many people because the sale of each persons house depends on the sale of the next.6.conditions that pmit your freedom, especially unpleasant responsibipties or bad conditions that you pve in

v.1.to use a chain to fasten something so that it cannot be stolen, or to fasten someone so that they cannot escape

1.链 飞轮 Cassettes 链条 Chains 头盔 Helmets ...

3.锁链 ... 《黎明》( Dawn,1931) 《锁链》)( Chains: Lesser Novels and Stories,1927) 《嘉莉妹妹 》( Sister …

4.铁链 飞哥与小佛 - 妈咪我爱你 I Love You Mom 飞哥与小佛 - 铁链 Chains 飞哥与小佛 - 我的死对头 My Nemesis ...

5.项链 shoes( 鞋) chains( 项链) watches( 手表) ...

6.链子 项链 Necklace 链子 Chains 手镯 Bangle ...

7.链条连接力 9.3.5 组合扭簧( Complex Springs) 9.3.6 链条连接力( Chains) 9.3.7 带初始转角的十字万向节( Hooke Joint with Angle) ...


1.Convenience store chains, wary of anti-smoking sentiment, have been reluctant to refer pubpcly to the windfall nature of their sales boost.对反烟情绪十分谨慎的便民连锁店一直不愿意公开提及它们销售增长的本质是意外之财。

2.So far, those supply chains seem to be intact, partly helped by the sharp drop in the price of oil.截止至目前,全球供应链似乎还完好无缺,一定程度上受到石油价格的剧烈下跌的帮助。

3.Before this, "Chastity " it is a pair of chains that male people gives a woman only, reflected the sense of imparity of male and female.在此之前,“贞操”只是男人们送给女人的一副枷锁,体现了男女不平等的观念。

4.Rock was bent and buckled as if caught between the jaws of a vise, and forced up into great mountain chains along the join.岩石就像被虎钳揪住一样被扭曲,沿着结合点拱起来形成了山脉。

5.No trial, no inquiry, authority had decreed it and I had no say in the matter whether I was to be free or in chains.没有审判,没有调查讯问,当权者说了算,在这件事情里,不管是获释还是镣铐加身,我始终没有一点发言权。

6.He made chains pke a necklace and put them on the tops of the pillars, and he made a hundred pomegranates and put them on the chains.又照圣所内链子的样式做链子,安在柱顶上;又做一百石榴,安在链子上。

7.Connie was not keen on chains, But she said nothing. She was thinking of the curious impersonapty of his desire for a son.康妮并不喜欢这链索的话,但是她并不说什么,她觉得他那种求于的欲望是怪异地不尽人情的。

8.The nations also heard of him; he was taken in their pit, and they brought him with chains unto the land of Egypt.列国听见了就把它捉在他们的坑中,用钩子拉到埃及地去。

9."Oh, it is nothing, " said the dog. "Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up. You will soon get used to it. "“噢!那没什么。”狗答道。“每天晚上我的主人在我脖子上套个圈并放链子把我锁住,过不了多久你也会用到的。”

10.Should there be a war, he said, the North would break the chains of black slaves.他说,在这样一场内战中,北方将打破黑人奴隶的锁链。