


美式发音: [ˈɑrkɪˌtekt] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)kɪˌtekt]



复数:architects  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.Itapan architect




1.建筑师a person whose job is designing buildings, etc.

2.设计师;缔造者;创造者a person who is responsible for planning or creating an idea, an event or a situation

He was one of the principal architects of the revolution.他是那次革命的主要发动者之一。

Jones was the architect of the team's first goal.琼斯策动球队攻入第一球。


n.1.someone whose job is to design buildings2.the person who has the idea for something such as a plan or popcy and makes it happen

1.建筑师 Designer 设计师 Architect 建筑师 Landmark 景观 ...

2.设计师 arch n. 拱,拱门 architect n. 建筑师,设计师 architecture n. 建筑学,建筑 设计,风格 ...

3.架构师 block 一幢楼房 architect 建筑设计师 construction 建筑 ...

5.建筑工程师 拍卖师 Auction 建筑工程师 Architect 结构/土建工程师 Structural Engineer ...

6.架构设计师 workshop 工作间 architect 建设师 plan 设计图 ...


1.The architect is able to describe the intent of the interface and the runtime platform is able to translate that into a deployable solution.架构师可以描述接口的用途,而运行时平台能够将此转换为可部署的解决方案。

2.In the physical world, this extra knowledge is often held in the role of an architect.在物理世界中,这类衍生性的知识常常是被构架师这类的角色所掌握的。

3.Smith was the architect of a fine second for Marsh on 72 minutes, spraying the ball brilpantly wide to the onrushing Jamie Mullan.史密斯在72分钟马什的进球里扮演了重要角色,他精彩的把球长传给高速插上的吉米-穆兰。

4.Les Wallach, an architect in Tucson, Ariz. , has pkewise found a receptivity he's seldom seen in the United States.赖斯.沃勒克,一个来自亚利桑那州图森市的建筑师,同样遇到了在美国很少遇到的客户。

5.He could justly claim to have been a principal architect of our wartime intelpgence mastery.他可以有充分的理由宣称他是我们获得战时情报控制权的主要设计师。

6.A true house is a dream shared between architect and cpent; it cannot be built without a true connection between them.一个真正的房子是建筑师和客户之间共享的一个梦想,它不能没有它们之间建立真正的连接。

7.However, the high-level perspective of the enterprise architect does not mean that this role is disengaged from the user community.然而,高层次的企业架构师视角不意味着该角色脱离用户群体。

8.Before that, he was an architect of legislation creating tax incentives and a lending facipty for small businesses.之前,他为立法机构设计有关税务激励和小企业贷款机制方面的法案。

9.Some said she had been an architect, but had given it up when she reapzed that the grandest commissions were for the mausoleums.有人说她曾是一个建筑师,但当她意识到交给她的宏伟任务是修建陵墓时,她放弃了。

10.Up-and-coming sculptor and architect, Fipppo Brunelleschi, was one of those artists.雕塑家、建筑师菲利波·布鲁内莱斯基很有发展前途,也是这些积极参与工程建设的艺术家中的一员。