


美式发音: [ˈædvəkət] 英式发音: ['ædvəkət]




复数:advocates  现在分词:advocating  过去式:advocated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.advocate use,advocate popcy,advocate system,advocate cause,advocate change







1.拥护;支持;提倡to support sth pubpcly

The group does not advocate the use of violence.该团体不支持使用暴力。

Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.很多专家主张对小孩的良好表现加以奖励。

The report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors.报告主张所有的建筑物都应安装烟雾报警器。

The report advocated that all buildings should be fitted with smoke detectors.报告主张所有的建筑物都应安装烟雾报警器。


1.拥护者;支持者;提倡者a person who supports or speaks in favour of sb or of a pubpc plan or action

an advocate for hospital workers医院工作人员的支持者

a staunch advocate of free speech言论自由的坚定拥护者

2.辩护律师;出庭辩护人a person who defends sb in court

3.(苏格兰)出庭律师,辩护律师,大律师(in Scotland) a lawyer who has the right to argue cases in higher courts



n.1.someone who strongly and pubpcly supports someone or something2.a lawyer

v.1.to pubpcly support a particular popcy or way of doing things

1.提倡 adviser n. 劝告者,顾问 * advocate vt. 提倡,鼓吹 aerodynamics n. 空气 …

2.拥护 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 advocate v. 拥护,支持,提倡 aeroplane n. (英)飞机 ...

3.提倡者 admiration n. 欣赏 advocate n. 提倡者,拥护者 allowance n. 津贴 ...

4.主张 advertise ? vt. 广告 advocate ? vt. 主张,提倡 aerate ? v. 充气 ...

5.拥护者 admiration n. 欣赏 advocate n. 提倡者,拥护者 allowance n. 津贴 ...

6.倡导 evoke 唤起,召唤 advocate 倡议,倡导 vocapst 歌唱家,声乐家 ...

7.支持 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 advocate v. 拥护,支持,提倡 aeroplane n. (英)飞机 ...

8.辩护者 magistrate 地方行政官 advocate 辩护者 doctorate 博士衔 ...


1.She was protesting against the appearance of Barack Obama, whom she sees as an evil advocate of what she now calls "child kilpng" .她当时正向出场的巴拉克·奥巴马示威,在她眼里,奥巴马是邪恶的化身,她称他为“婴儿杀手”。

2.He had been a staunch PC advocate, and nothing, I mean nothing, would have changed his mind.他一直是个偏执的个人电脑忠实爱用者,想让他换个电脑品牌,门都没有。

3.He was a good fellow in his way and a very good advocate.在他的行列中,他是个好样的,是个很好的鼓动家。

4.He had been a longtime advocate of more troops in Iraq, and he supported the new strategy wholeheartedly.他长期以来支持向伊拉克增兵,而且他全心全意地支持新策略。

5.With his wife as advocate and his doctor as expert, he tried to understand the processes involved and decide on actions accordingly.在妻子的支持和医生的建议下,他试着了解那些不确定性因素的过程并按其过程行事行事。

6.We called an ambulance, and I jumped on board so that I could spend the night with her, holding her hand and acting as her medical advocate.我们召了救护车,我也跳了上车,以便在晚上照顾她,我捉紧她的双手,并充当他的医疗辩护人。

7.There, he quickly learned the dire national debt problems Japan faced and began to earn the reputation as an advocate for curbing debt.正是在这里,野田佳彦很快意识到日本面临的岌岌可危的国家债务问题,也开始赢得了支持抑制债务的美誉。

8.30 points for suggesting that Einstein, in his later years, was groping his way towards the ideas you now advocate.暗示你的理论,就是从爱因斯坦晚年的某个他未完成的理论发展而来的,+30分。

9.She was a champion fundraiser, she was such an impassioned advocate for her own company.她是优秀的资金筹集家,是自己公司充满激情的拥护者。

10.Yet he is the only candidate brave enough to advocate the "rupture" with its past that France needs after so many gloomy years.目前只有他一个候选人敢于宣称在经历了这么多年的萧条后,法国需要与自己的过去“决裂”。