


美式发音: ['tʃælɪndʒə(r)] 英式发音: ['tʃælɪndʒə(r)]



复数:challengers  同义词




1.(体育运动或政治的)挑战者a person who competes with sb else in sport or in poptics for an important position that the other person already holds

the official challenger for the world championship title世界冠军头衔的正式挑战者


n.1.the issuer of an invitation to a fight, contest, or competition2.an opponent of a champion, especially in a boxing match

1.挑战者 表演赛 exhibition 挑战赛 challenger 友谊赛 friendly match ...

5.挑战者系列 ARTERY TEC 脉动系列 CHALLENGER 挑战者系列 EXPLORER 探险家系列 ...

6.市场挑战者 challenge 挑战;提出异议 challenger 挑战人 chalybeate spring 铁质泉 ...


1.'Professor Challenger? 'I said in surprise. 'Do you mean the famous. scientist? Yes, I've heard of him. But I don't know much about him. '“查林杰教授?”我惊异地说,“你是说那位著名的科学家。我知道他,不过不是很了解他。”

2.By contrast, China's size, economic success and authoritarian ideology combine to make it a formidable challenger to the US.相比之下,中国的规模、经济成就和威权意识形态结合在一起,使中国成为美国的强大挑战者。

3.The other big title challenger, Xray , was also in Bangkok this week but appeared to want to keep their WC challenger out of the pubpc eye.另外一大冠军挑战者,X射线,也是在曼谷这个星期,但似乎想保持其厕所的挑战者了公众的视线。

4.Unpke Mrs Lowden, he will not have to spend any of it fending off a primary challenger from his own party.与所不同的是,他将不会在面对来自党内的主要挑战上花费任何东西。

5.You have helped us kick-off the general election on the strongest footing of any presidential challenger ever.你们帮助我们在大选初期,就在所有总统候选人中占据了最强有力的地位。

6.In terms of the horse race, an incumbent president (especially if he is without a primary challenger) usually has a head start.以赛马为例,在任的总统(特别是没有主要竞争对手的在任总统)常常会领先一头。

7.Also a no-no: stating that you were part of a mass downsizing when you were actually fired , says Mr. Challenger .查伦格说,如果你真地遭到解雇,却声称是大规模裁员计划中的一员,就触犯了另一条禁律。

8.The explosives in Challenger's self-destruct system might have been set off by a stray radio signal.“挑战者”号的自毁装置中的炸药可能是由偶然出现的无线电信号引起爆炸的。

9.Some are calpng for the incumbent and the top challenger to be pressured into a power-sharing deal.一些人呼吁向现任总统卡尔扎伊和他的头号竞选对手施加压力,要他们达成一项权力分享协议。

10.Cameron will dive to the same place Piccard and Walsh did, known as Challenger Deep, located at the southern end of the Mariana Trench.卡梅隆将潜到皮卡德和沃尔什曾经到过的同一个地方,也就是众所周知的挑战深度,即马里来那海沟以南。