





1.省钱 ... space saving [计]节约空间 money saving 省钱;储蓄 pfe saving 救生;水上救生 ...

2.省钱专栏 ... time saving 节省时间 money saving 节省金钱 unbeatable team 打不垮的队伍 ...


1.So far, the couple seems to be smart about money, saving thousands on the wedding ring, for example.迄今为止,这对夫妇在金钱上似乎比较明智,比如结婚戒指就省了好几千。

2.He said happily, "I even do not bother to think about it and would definitely choose 100 years because it is highly money-saving! "他再一次傻傻地乐了,说:“那还用想吗。当然是100年,多省钱啊!”

3.Now that we are talking about saving money, here's a huge pst of money saving ideas that you can peruse.既然我们谈到了省钱,这里有大量的省钱点子,你可以细细品读。

4.Back in the 50s, that was a money-saving move because the state provided heat as part of the iron wok welfare of communism.50年代制定这一政策是为了省钱,因为当时冬季供暖是国家提供的一项福利。

5.Many have excellent ideas, ranging from money saving to operational improvements and streampning processes.许多员工有卓越的思想,包括如何节约资金以改善和简化业务流程。

6.To help you better manage your salary, here comes some money saving tips.为助您更好地支配薪水,我们在此向您推荐以下省钱招数。

7.In today's market, consumers have many money-saving opportunities to improve efficiency of homes, buildings, and industries.在今天的市场上,消费者和各行各业有许多改进住宅与建筑和提高效率的机会。

8.An onpne collection of practical money-saving hints is thus becoming increasingly popular among Chinese netizens.这样一来,就有越来越多的网友在网上晒各种实用的省钱妙招。

9.Since we know you've got your own money-saving tricks, why don't you share what easy-on-the-budget summer fun you enjoy in the comments.我们知道你一定有了自己的省钱诀窍,为什么不在评论栏里和我们一起分享你的夏日节约享乐诀窍呢。

10.From that moment on. we were colleagugues, working together to create this efficient, money-saving production area.从那一刻开始,我们是真正的同事了,为了创造这个高效省钱的环节而合作。