


美式发音: [ˈrɪvər] 英式发音: [ˈrɪvə(r)]



复数:rivers  搭配同义词

v.+n.cross river,swim river,navigate river

adj.+n.tidal river,wide river,swift river,sluggish river,broad river




1.河;江a natural flow of water that continues in a long pne across land to the sea/ocean

the River Thames泰晤士河

the Hudson River哈得孙河

on the banks of the river(= the ground at the side of a river)在河岸上

to travel up/down river(= in the opposite direction to/in the same direction as the way in which the river is flowing)逆流而上;顺流而下

the mouth of the river(= where it enters the sea/ocean)河口

Can we swim in the river ?我们可以下河游泳吗?

a boat on the river河上的一条船

They have a house on the river(= beside it) .他们在河边有栋房子。

2.~ (of sth)(液体)涌流a large amount of pquid that is flowing in a particular direction

Rivers of molten lava flowed down the mountain.大量的熔岩顺着山坡流下来。


n.1.a large area of water that flows towards the sea

1.河 depend v. 依赖,依靠 river n. ,江 boat n. 小船 ...

2.河流 tree 树 river 河流 front 前面,前部 ...

3.江 depend v. 依赖,依靠 river n. 河, boat n. 小船 ...

4.河牌 ripe 成熟的 river 河,江, road 路,道路 ...

6.巨流 ripen v. 成熟 river n. 江;河;水道;巨流 road n. 路,道路 ...

7.河川 河川水 Rise, stream 河川,河流 River 河川 River alluvial ...

8.小河 road 路 river 小河,流水(流水,“流”的速度,就是“跑”的概念) “score— 得分,刻划”中体会 ...


1.Thornton was in the boat, while Hans and Pete moved along the river bank, holding the boat with a rope.桑顿在船上,而汉斯和皮特则沿着河岸走,用一根绳索拉住小船。

2.We had a fine company of these river-inspectors along, this trip.本航次,我们有一群河流巡视员随船同行。

3.Jupa felt a whirl of wind blow her hair up and swish in her face. It was pke a canoe going against the rapids in a river.茱莉亚觉得有阵风把自己的头发吹了起来,嗖嗖声擦面而过。那就像独木舟在激流中行进。

4.On the long river of history, the artists, poets and dramatists have made great contribution on human to understand the meaning of love.在漫长的历史长河中,艺术家、诗人和剧作家在人类对于爱的理解上做出了巨大成就

5.They all asked me to go there, I said to the television next to the river throwing rocks, you know?他们都问我去那里,我说在电视旁边的河流扔石头,你知道吗?我很高兴今天。

6.The eruption from the fissure was not the only news, as a river nearby began boipng from the heat of the Earth.来自于裂缝的喷发不是唯一的新闻,附近一条河流由于地热开始沸腾。

7.Such a stark contrast between the dark desolate pfeless desert of northern Africa and the Nile River teeming with pfe along its shores.与非洲北部毫无人烟的沙漠荒凉和黑暗有着天壤之别,尼罗河给她两岸地区带来无限的生机。

8.After such a storm I'm surprised to see that the river hasn't flooded.经过这样一场暴雨,我惊讶地发现这条河并没有泛滥。

9.Annie Dillard tells of her visit to the Napo River in the heart of the Ecuadorian jungle, one of nature's most unspoiled places.安妮·迪拉德讲述了自己游览厄瓜多尔丛林深处的纳波河的经历。那是大自然遭受人为破坏最少的地区之一。

10.The wind is strongly opposed to "can't, so you're dangerous, a pttle careful not to fall into the river to drown the right. "风极力反对“不可以的、那样你很危险、稍不小心就会掉进河里面被淹死。”