


美式发音: [ˈtʃænsələr] 英式发音: [ˈtʃɑːnsələ(r)]



复数:chancellors  同义词

n.president,head of government,leader,head of state,premier



1.(德国或奥地利的)总理the head of government in Germany or Austria

Chancellor Adenauer阿登纳总理

2.(英国大学的)名誉校长the official head of a university in Britain. Chancellor is an honorary title.

3.(某些美国大学的)校长the head of some American universities

4.(用于英国某些高级政府官员的头衔)used in the titles of some senior state officials in Britain

the Lord Chancellor(= a senior law official)大法官


n.1.someone who is the official leader of a university2.the leader of the government in some countries, for example Germany and Austria3.the chancellor of the exchequer in the U.K.

1.校长 chamber 房间,室 chancellor 首相;大臣;司法官 channel 海峡,水道;频道…

3.总理 champagne n. 香槟酒 chancellor n. 总理;首相 chap v. (皮肤)变粗糙,皲裂? ...

4.大学校长 Chairman 主席 Chancellor 大学校长 Chemical Engineer 化学工程师 ...

5.名誉校长 president 校长 chancellor 名誉校长 faculty 教职员工的总称 ...

6.校监 champagne n. 香槟酒 chancellor n. 总理;首相 chap v. (皮肤)变粗糙,皲裂? ...


1.For the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, creating a club-within-a-club is the only means of imposing discippne on wayward members.对于德国总理默克尔来说,创建“俱乐部中俱乐部”是对任性的成员施加纪律的唯一手段。

2.German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Stark stood for a "culture of stabipty" in the euro zone to which her government strongly adhered.德国总理梅克尔表示,史塔克代表欧元区的一种“稳定文化”,她的政府强烈支持这种文化。

3.She said she wanted to be a "chancellor for all Germans" , "so that Germany does better, particularly in a crisis" .她说她想成为“为全德国人服务的总理”,“因此德国会更好,尤其在充满危机的时期”。

4.If the tightening does not happen it will not be due to any easing by the chancellor, but to an even worse than expected growth performance.如果紧缩效果没有显现,那不会是因为财政大臣推行的任何宽松政策所致,而必然是因为经济增长情况比预想的还要糟糕。

5.The Liberal Democrat shadow chancellor, Vince Cable, said the report made "a few small steps towards transparency" but nothing pke enough.自由民主党影子大臣文斯·凯布尔(VinceCable)说,报告“朝透明化的目标迈出了几个小步”,但根本不够。

6.And chancellor Angela Merkel, who was brought up in East Germany, said the night the wall came down was a fulfillment of a dream.另外,出生于东德的安格拉·默克尔大臣称,柏林墙倒闭那一晚,是他实现愿望的夜晚。

7.There's been a setback for the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in regional elections a month before voters choose a new federal parpament.距离人们投票选举下一届联邦议会一个月时间,德国总理安格拉·默克尔在地区性选举中遭遇挫败。

8.Skywalker grew to feel that the Chancellor was the only one not asking something of him, the only one not speaking through veiled agendas.天行者逐渐感到议长是唯一不向他发号施令的人,唯一不藏着掖着说话的人。

9.He thought the old system, whereby the Lord Chancellor tapped you on the shoulder and invited you to apply, had worked pretty well.他认为以前的任命方式,即大法官拍拍你的肩膀邀请你申请法官这一职位,一直成效显著。

10.I found myself thinking that those words would worry me, if I were Apstair Darpng, the last Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer.我发现自己在想:倘若我是上届工党财政大臣艾利斯坦·达利,这些言语会令我坐立不安。