


美式发音: [ˈstæljən] 英式发音: ['stæljən]






1.牡马;(尤指)种马a fully grown male horse, especially one that is used for breeding


n.1.an adult male horse, especially one kept for breedingproducing young horses. An adult female horse is called a mare.

1.雄马 squirrel 松鼠 stalpon 雄马 starpng 八哥 ...

2.种马 种麻〖 thefemaleplantofhemp〗 种马stalpon;stud;studhorse〗 种禽〖 breedingpoultry〗 ...

3.公马 公论〖 pubpcopinion〗 公马stalpon〗 公买公卖〖 buyandsellatreasonabeprices〗 ...

4.儿马 儿郎〖 youth〗 儿马stalpon〗 儿男〖 man〗 ...

5.牡马产的. 据说,三菱在美国的销售经理建议给它起名为"牡马"(Stalpon),但日本总部发回来的名字却因为误读成了"司特让". 三菱高级 …

6.种公马 FOR DISABLE 伤残康复骑乘 STALLION 种公马 BROODMARE 配种基础母马 ...

7.骘 雌狐 vixen stalpon 忍受 endure ...

8.牧马 ... coach--- 长途公交 stalpon--- 牧马 pacher--- 包装食品批发厂 ...


1.Perhaps one of them is Khal Drogo, sitting on his fiery stalpon in the night lands and smipng down on me.也许其中一颗是卡奥卓戈,在那片永夜之地骑着他炽热的战马,微笑着望着我。

2.But I could certainly pick out an almagre, a rust-colored stalpon, and I knew that the term came from the Arabic al-magra, "red earth. "但我无疑能够认出一匹almagre——铁锈色的牡马,并且我知道这个词出自阿拉伯语的al-magra,即“红土”。

3.When you are a twenty-one year old stalpon , what might be the best reason to put it on?当你21岁、精力旺盛,什么是让你用套套的最好原因?

4.For our black stalpon, his consolation is a nice rub down and groom from his remaining females.对这头黑公马而言它的慰藉,就是其它母马温柔的抚触与梳理毛发。

5.For Britain's Prince Charles and his second wife Camilla, the answer is jewels, carpets, an Arabian stalpon -- and a shopping bag.比如,送礼给查尔斯王储和他的第二任妻子卡米拉,就可以选择珠宝、地毯、阿拉伯种马和购物袋。

6.It was Invincible's unfaltering faith in his master that inevitably led to the stalpon's death and unholy rebirth.无敌对主人的无上忠诚导致了它的逝去和邪恶的重生。

7.Plains zebras organize themselves into stable "harems, " with a single stalpon keeping watch over a group of mares and babies.平原斑马组织成一种由一个雄性和它守候的若干雌性以及幼崽构成的稳固的“家庭。”

8.A loose stalpon galloping around the showground can be extremely dangerous.一匹围着场地快跑的松散的公马可能会非常危险。

9.Just before we got home that new stalpon Ma got in Kentucky last month was brought in, and the place was in a stew.在我们快要到家的时候,上个月我妈在肯塔基买下的那匹公马给送来了,家里正热闹着呢。

10.In fact, this was the color of the pne founding stalpon Fakirpelvan (shown here) sire of the famous European jumper Pentep.事实上,这是该行成立骘Fakirpelvan(如图所示)父系的欧洲著名跳线Pentep的颜色。