


美式发音: [vəˈrændə] 英式发音: [və'rændə]



复数:verandas  同义词




1.(房屋底层有顶半敞的)走廊,游廊a platform with an open front and a roof, built onto the side of a house on the ground floor

After dinner, we sat talking on the veranda.饭后我们坐在游廊上交谈。

2.(店铺面街上方的)遮檐a roof over the part of the street where people walk in front of a shop/store



n.1.a covered area along the outside of a house, often enclosed by a low wall

na.1.The variant of verandah

1.阳台 onto prep. 到…之上;向…之上 veranda n. 阳台 spirited a. 精神饱满的;生机勃勃的 ...

2.走廊仅有4套,每套面积89平米,拥有一个大游泳池,一个走廊veranda),阳光躺椅,一个带围墙的热带花园,并可在花园内 …

3.游廊 游览〖 gosightseeing〗 游廊veranda;coveredcorridor〗 游乐〖 pleasure〗 ...

4.凉台 veranda 走廊 veranda 走廊;凉台 veranda 走廊凉台 ...

5.门廊 balcony 阳台 veranda 门廊,阳台 terrace 露台 ...

6.庑 ... 庐镇关 Luzhenguan veranda 库 Library ...


1.When the door closes she tells me that she's homeless and last night she slept on a veranda.关上门时她告诉我,她无家可归,昨晚还睡在走廊上。

2.Awakening early on that first morning, I sppped on a dressing gown provided by the hotel and went out on to the veranda.在岛上的第一天早上,我醒的很早。披上酒店提供的睡袍,我走到阳台上。

3.A woman is sitting on her veranda with her husband drinking a bottle of wine.女人和丈夫坐在凉台上喝着葡萄酒。

4.'He was just sitting on his veranda again. "Waiting for the dawn, " he said. Do you think he'll just sit there all night? '他还是坐在阳台上,说在’等待拂晓‘,你看他是不是整夜都坐在那里?。

5.She ran over the lawn, up the path, down the steps, across the veranda and into the porch.她一路小跑,越过草地,爬上小路,跑下台阶,穿过穿过凉台,进了进了门廊。越爬跑穿过进了

6.The Riverbend Teahouse is a down-to-earth place, just a dozen or so tables on a wooden veranda outside a bookshop.里弗茶室(RiverbendTeahouse)在书店外的木质阳台摆了十来张桌子,显得朴实无华。

7.A few stop pke you and come up to veranda to have a chat.有几个像你这样的人停下来,穿过阳台后交谈。

8."Coming! " Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.“来了!”然后她越过草坪地,踩上小径,踏上台阶,跨过阳台,走进门廊。

9."Coming! " Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the step, across the veranda, and into the porch.“来啦!”她转身蹦着跳着地跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过阳台,进了门廊。

10.But the books young Prabhakaran read, out on the veranda under the banana tree, were biographies of Alexander the Great and Napoleon.但在香蕉树下的走廊上,年轻的普拉巴卡兰所读之书却是亚历山大大帝与拿破仑的传记。