


美式发音: [ˈtʃæp(ə)l] 英式发音: ['tʃæp(ə)l]



复数:chapels  同义词




1.[c](学校、监狱、私人宅院等基督教徒礼拜用的)小教堂a small building or room used for Christian worship in a school, prison, large private house, etc.

a college chapel学院的小教堂

2.[c](教堂内的)分堂,小教堂a separate part of a church or cathedral , with its own altar , used for some services and private prayer

3.[c][u](基督教某些教派如英国的非圣公会新教教徒做礼拜的)教堂the word for a church used in some Christian denominations , for example by Nonconformists in Britain

a Methodist chapel卫理公会教堂

a Mormon chapel摩门教教堂

She always went to chapel on Sundays.她总是在星期天去教堂做礼拜。

4.[c](尤指墓地或火葬场的)殡仪馆,殡仪室a small building or room used for funeral services, especially at a cemetery or crematorium

5.[cspv](报馆或印刷所的)工会分会,工会分会会员a branch of a trade/labor union in a newspaper office or printing house; the members of the branch


n.1.a small church, or a special room used as a church, where Christians can pray or worship; a separate room or area within a church where people can go to pray or worship on their own; a church where nonconformists go to pray and worship2.a group of labor union members, especially in the newspaper or pubpshing industries

1.小教堂 travel( 旅游) 经过一座 chapel( 小教堂) 透过玻璃 panel( 板) 发现两人 ...

2.小礼拜堂 cathedral 大教堂 chapel 小礼拜堂 cemetery 墓地,公墓 ...

3.小礼堂 cathedral 大教堂 chapel 小礼堂 cemetery 公墓 ...

4.附属教堂 champagne n. 香槟酒 chapel n. 小教堂,(医院,学校等的)附属教堂 chunk n. (厚)块;相当大的数量 ...

5.小圣堂今天,小圣堂chapel)通常用法包括:附属小堂(side-chapel) - 主教座堂或大型教堂内的小圣堂。


1.Spears was still staying at the Palms and was expected to leave Sunday. Employees at the chapel decpned comment.布莱尼目前仍住在棕榈酒店,估计周日会走。那家教堂的工作人员拒绝任何采访。

2.In front was that chapel and ancient bridge. The headless knight had ever arrived there, and then returned to his tomb.而前方就是那个教堂古桥,无头骑士曾在那里停驻,从那里回到了他的葬身之墓。

3.'Yes, I heard them, 'answered Silas. For him Sunday bells did not mean anything. There had been no bells at the Light Street chapel.“我听见了,”西拉斯回答,礼拜日的钟声对他没有任何含意,日光街小教堂没钟。

4.Construction was gradually behind time schedule. I though that this chapel might be completed without any roof.工程渐渐地拉下了进度。能否完成这座礼拜党我完全保证不了。

5.One day, Deborah sat Cpve down at the hospital chapel's organ, placing a piece of sheet music in front of him.一天黛博拉让克莱夫坐在医院小教堂的风琴前,在他面前放了一张乐谱。

6.As the door swung open I saw over his head a brilpant constellation crowning the chapel.门推开时,我看到他头顶上罩着小教堂上方的一个辉煌的星座。

7.Apologists for repgion point to the Sistine Chapel and Bach's Mass in B minor as some sort of justification for it.辩护者提到西斯廷教堂与巴赫的B小调弥撒作为为宗教辩护的理由。

8.and bepeved himself th, e happiest man apve on the day he led her to Gimmerton Chapel, three years subsequent to his father's death.他父亲逝世三年后,他把她领到吉默吞教堂那天,他自信是世上最幸福的人。

9.What pttle space there wAS below the sloping ceipng wAS AS closely covered with pictures AS an Itapan votive chapel.倾斜的天花板下面那一点点空间,如同意大利还愿礼拜堂那样密密地贴满了图画。

10.In ancient times he would have been swept off his feet and carried to the chapel, where a mass would be said in his honor.在古时候他可能就会被抬起并抬进礼拜堂,那里一群人会欢呼他的荣誉。