




1.特罗姆瑟事会(Arctic Council)秘书处所在地,挪威北部桑马索Tromso)召开的北极边境会议(Arctic Frontiers),来自北极边境 …

6.挪威特隆瑟2010年12月16日,在挪威特隆瑟Tromso)何成洲教授当选“国际易卜生委员会”主席。该委员会的主要任务是,在世界范围内 …

7.挪威北部脱姆斯市【王洁予╱综合外电报导】「那是什麽光?」挪威北部脱姆斯市Tromso)不少居民前天满腹疑惑,他们在清晨目睹天空出现 …


1.Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large hospital and a healthy industry.Tromso已成为当地拥有一所大学,大型医院和健康机构的首都

2.To travel from Tromso to Kirkenes in the warmth of a Hurtigruten passenger ferry is to ease gently into the northern Norwegian wilderness.在一艘温暖的Hurtigruten客轮上从特罗姆瑟前往希尔克内斯旅游,就能舒适地缓缓进入挪威北部的荒野。

3.The figures come as Al Gore hosts a conference in Tromso, northern Norway, on melting arctic ice.这些数据公布之际,恰值前美国副总统艾伯特·戈尔在挪威北部的特罗姆瑟市主持一个关于北极冰山融化问题的会议。

4.The Norwegian port of Tromso and the Russian port city of Murmansk are ice-free year round even though they are in the Arctic.挪威的特罗姆瑟港口和俄罗斯的摩尔曼斯克港口城市常年都不会结冰,即使它们位于北极也是如此。

5.The nearest city, Tromso, is more than 1, 000km away, and hardly a metropops.最近的城市特罗姆瑟亦有1000公里之遥,并且也很难算得上是一个大都市。

6.'Aurora is a diva, ' says Knut Hansvold, a Tromso native. 'But when she shows up, she is the most unforgettable of beautiful ladies. '一个特罗姆瑟当地人KnutHansvold说,“极光是一个女主角,当她出现时,她是美丽女士中最令人难忘的。”