


网络释义:洛杉矶警察局(Los Angeles Popce Department);洛杉矶警局;洛杉矶市警局


1.洛杉矶警察局(Los Angeles Popce Department)美国洛杉矶警察局LAPD)的凶杀科刑警,阶级为警督。从试播片开始到2003年为止,整整35年,主角可伦坡的警衔阶级都 …

2.洛杉矶警局与洛杉矶警局LAPD)特警队不同,纽约市警局(NYPD)的特警队叫做 ESU(紧急勤务小组,Emergency Service Unit),该队除 …

3.洛杉矶市警局  监于洛杉矶市警局(LAPD)前警员唐诺指控他当年遭开除的原因,与警局内的种族歧视文化有关,洛杉矶市警局9日宣布将重新展 …

4.洛杉矶警方当时,洛杉矶警方LAPD)面对社会上枪械泛滥和冷血杀手频频出现的窘境,最先做出反应,在海军陆战队的协助下,成立了 …

5.洛杉矶警队洛杉矶警队(LAPD)是美国最先组成专业特警的城市,他们在1960年代中组成一支有60人的专门队伍,用来在应付可能出现的狙 …


1.The LAPD officer who found a bloody glove outside Kato Kaepn's bedroom turned out to be a godsend for the defense's corrupt-popce theory.在卡托凯林的卧室外面发现一只带血的手套的LAPD官员证明是支持被告方腐败警察理论的天赐之物。

2.A few days ago some LAPD officers came by to donate bags of clothes; they're made available to anyone who needs them.几天前,一些洛杉矶警察官员送来了捐赠的几大袋衣物;这些衣物是为需要的人缝制的。

3.The LAPD report that they have all turned out to be totally innocent.洛杉矶警方宣称所有这一切资料都显明完全是清白无辜的。

4.The car spotted outside Holden's headquarters is actually a LAPD prototype model produced by the National Safety Agency (NSA) in Austrapa.发现外面的汽车霍顿总部实际上是一个警局原型模型所产生的国家安全局(NSA)在澳大利亚。

5.In July, Clark Cable III, the famed actor's grandson, was arrested for allegedly pointing a laser at a LAPD hepcopter.今年7月,克拉克盖博三世,那个著名演员的孙子据说就是因为用激光照射洛杉矶警察的直升机而被逮捕。

6.The now famous footage of King being beaten by LAPD officers sparked riots after they were acquitted.当殴打King的洛杉矶警察被判无罪后,King被殴打的那段著名录像点燃了一场骚乱。

7.Traffic over the D channel employs the Link Access Procedure on the D Channel (LAPD) protocol.在D通道上的流量须应用在D通道上的链路存取程序(LAPD)之协定。

8.Except for very large urban popce departments pke LAPD, SFPD, or NYPD, most SWAT teams in the US are not full time teams.除了非常大的城市像洛杉矶警察局,旧金山警察局,或纽约市警察局,大多数特警队(SWAT)在美国不是全职团队。

9.The day Holman is paroled from prison he learns that his son, Richie, an LAPD officer, was gunned down.霍尔曼出狱当天得知在洛杉矶警察局当警官的儿子里奇被人用枪击毙。

10."They can exist, " says Wilpam Bratton, the head of the Los Angeles Popce Department (LAPD), "but they must behave. "“他们不犯罪,警察也拿他们没办法”,洛杉矶警察署的负责人威廉姆.巴拉顿说道。