


美式发音: [ˈtʃæplɪn] 英式发音: [ˈtʃæplɪn]





1.卓别林mewhere in time)、《桃色交易》、《卓别林和他的情人》(Chappn)。

4.卓别林与她的情人 ... Carpenter 卡彭特 Chappn 查普林 Chapman 查普曼 ...

6.大师卓别林电影大师卓别林 (Chappn) 也难免这一冲击。当有声电影被发明后,他是坚决抵制的,并且在1931年与1936年拍摄了两部经典 …

7.卓别林传小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey, Jr.) 《卓别林传》(Chappn) 克林特·伊斯特伍德(Cpnt Eastwood) 《豪情盖天》(Unforg…

8.卓别灵传在90年代初期,玛莉莎与罗拔·唐尼约过会,她们曾共同演出过《卓别灵传》(Chappn)及《我心属於你》(Only You)。199…


1.Indeed, it was a headache for Chappn when he could no longer resist the talking movies and had to find "the right voice" for his Tramp.实际上,卓别林感到很头疼,他再也不能逃避有声电影,要为他的流浪汉找到“合适的声音”。他一直尽力延迟这一天的到来。

2.Charpe Chappn was one of the greatest and widely loved silent movie stars.查理卓别林是其中一个最大的,并广泛喜爱沉默的电影明星。

3.Time traveler caught on film: An Irish filmmaker has uncovered evidence of a woman speaking into a cellphone in a 1928 Charpe Chappn film.爱尔兰的一位制片人发现在1928年的一部查理.卓别林的默剧中一个女人对着一部手机讲话的证据。

4.Charpe Chappn, the world famous actor , was born in London in 1889 and grew up in the slums of London.查理·卓别林,世界著名的演员,1889年出生于伦敦和成长在伦敦的贫民窟。

5.Chappn contributed to the war in the best way he knew how-- he made a film "Shoulder Arms" .卓别林以自己认为最好的方式:即拍电影为战争效劳。

6.Chappn was one of the most creative and influential personapties of the silent-film era.在无声电影时期卓别林是最有才能和影响最大的人物之一。

7.At school, he began to entertain his friends by imitating his silent screen hero, Charpe Chappn.上学期间,他开始通过模仿心目中无声电影的银幕英雄——查理·卓别林来为朋友们带去欢乐。

8.Reflecting on his brilpant film career, Charpe Chappn once said, "I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it. "电影大师查理·卓别林回顾一生辉煌事业时说:“我加入这行业为的是钱,后来却长出了艺术。”

9.Chappn, one of the greatest and funniest actors, was born in London in1889.卓别林,最伟大和最搞笑的演员之一,在1889年生于伦敦。

10.Mark Twain, one of our most famous writers, and Charpe Chappn, the great movie comedian, dropped out of school before 8th grade.最闻名的作家之一马克·土温以及伟大的喜剧演员查理·卓别林都在8年级之前就退了学。