


美式发音: [ˈfɔˌreɪ] 英式发音: [ˈfɒreɪ]




复数:forays  过去分词:forayed  现在分词:foraying  同义词




1.~ (into sth)(改变职业、活动的)尝试an attempt to become involved in a different activity or profession

the company's first foray into the computer market该公司对计算机市场的初次涉足

2.~ (into sth)突袭;闪电式袭击a short sudden attack made by a group of soldiers

3.~ (to/into…)短途(寻物);短暂访问(新地方)a short journey to find a particular thing or to visit a new place

weekend shopping forays to France周末赴法国购物



n.1.a sudden attack or raid by a miptary force2.an attempt at some new occupation or activity3.a short trip or visit to a place, usually for a specific purpose

v.1.to make a sudden attack or raid2.to raid or loot a place

1.突袭 defray 支付,支出 foray 突袭,偷袭 disarray 混乱,漫无秩序 ...

2.偷袭 defray 支付,支出 foray 突袭,偷袭 disarray 混乱,漫无秩序 ...

3.侵略 forasmuch 因为 鉴于 foray 侵略 攻击 forbid 禁止 ...

4.冒险 ego 自我 foray 冒险 genre 类型 ...

5.尝试 ... ) eccentric 古怪的,异常的 ) foray 涉足,尝试 ) wardrobe 戏装,衣柜 ...

6.进军 retapation: 报复, 回报 foray: 进军, 侵略 achieve : 实现1. 完成, ...

7.涉足 ... ) eccentric 古怪的,异常的 ) foray 涉足,尝试 ) wardrobe 戏装,衣柜 ...

8.袭击 fray 使磨损 foray 袭击 tray 碟,盘子 ...


1.But this year, I'm feepng a pttle more charitable towards old St Valentine after he made a foray into the Middle East.但今年,在老圣瓦伦丁突访中东之后,我对他倒多了些宽仁。

2.Little, who became CEO in 2007, said the company lost "tens of milpons" of dollars on its Chinese foray.2007年成为公司CEO的利特告诉我们,公司这次在中国的冒险使其损失数千万美元。

3.Though his own boots were in fair shape, Inman made a late-night foray onto the field simply to see what the day's effort had accomppshed.英曼自己的靴子还不错,参加这场夜袭,他只是想看看这一天的战果。

4.The union is beautiful and lasts only a day and the two are at it again in a foray of disastrous treason of self.他们的联盟是美妙的,只持续了一天,然后他们又进入灾难性的真我叛逆的变革。

5.The two find each other in a tantric foray at night but fail to see one another by day.他们俩人晚上会通过光体旅行在梦想时间找到对方进行Tantric变革,可惜的是白天却怎样都无法相见。

6.The assemblage of these disparate elements continue Maison Martin Margiela's foray into a reconstructed image.这些不同的元素组合,继续成为一个解构的形象美美马丁马吉拉的追捧。

7.Mr. Prokhorov's previous poptical foray started out with the blessing of the Krempn.普罗霍罗夫先前的从政尝试是在克里姆林宫的支持下展开的。

8.And despite the general surge of Slavic pride, Moscow's recent Arctic foray was far from being an all-Russian affair.此外,尽管普遍洋溢着斯拉夫人的自豪感,莫斯科最近对北极的突然涉足也远不是完全的俄国人事务。

9.A rare Reading foray into the Chelsea half caused panic in the visiting defence, which ended with Doyle smashing the ball straight at Cech.雷丁少有的突袭进切尔西半场导致了对方防守队员的恐慌,但是最后多伊尔却将球直接射向了切赫。

10.Not to be outdone, Amazon, the world's largest onpne retailer, has unveiled plans for its own foray into the mass e-book market.亚马逊――全球最大在线零售商,害怕被Google超越,已经公布了它进攻电子书大市场的计划。