


网络释义:高压氧;家庭影院亚洲频道;家庭影院频道(Home Box Office)


1.高压氧压氧治疗新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑病 ... 摘要为探讨高压氧(HBO ) 治疗缺氧缺血性脑病(H IE) 时高压氧对脑病理改变的影响及是 …

2.家庭影院亚洲频道美国家庭影院亚洲频道(HBO)、CINEMAX亚洲频道、卫视国际电影台、特纳古典电影台(TCM)、亚太财经频道、国家地理亚 …

3.家庭影院频道(Home Box Office)美国家庭影院频道(HBO)的热剧《权力的游戏》就是一个典型的例子。这部电视剧有时每周在网上非法下载的次数,甚至超出其 …

4.家庭票房美国家庭票房HBO)有线电视频道把原定周末黄金档播出的犯罪惊悚影片《非法交易》延后播出,以其他非暴力题材影片替 …

5.高压氧治疗吸氧、高压氧高压氧治疗HBO)的作用是一种综合作用机制,可提高血氧分压及血氧弥散度,提高血浆中物理溶解氧量,以 …

6.电影频道1999年她主演了美国著名有线电影频道(HBO)的自制电影《红颜血泪》,此片使她连获第57届金球奖与第52届艾美奖电视影片 …


1.I get emails about the HBO adaptation of A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE almost daily, by the way, so let me say a few words about that.我现在几乎每天都收到关于冰火的HBO改编版的意见电邮,对此请大家容我唠叨几句。

2.It was one of only two apps I tested (the other was HBO) that wouldn't work when the iPad is connected via cable to a TV.我所测试的应用软件中,只有两款在iPad通过数据线连接到电视机的时候无法运行,HuluPlus就是其中之一(另一款是HBO的应用软件)。

3.The patients had not received any treatment for CRPS and were given information pertaining to CRPS and HBO treatment.病人没有受到任何治疗CRPS与本案有关的材料,赐给他们、CRPS和HBO治疗。

4.Forbes was among the first to profile Grandin (in 1998), and her pfe story was the subject of a 2010 HBO documentary.福布斯杂志在1998年率先对戈兰丁进行了介绍,而她的故事也在2010年由美国HBO电台拍摄成了纪录片。

5.There was no significant effect of HBO on wound heapng and iNOS expression in the control animals.无显着影响,高压氧对创伤的控制动物。

6.last month HBO, an American broadcaster, signed up to shoot a second series of "Game of Thrones" there.上个月,美国广播公司家庭影院(HBO)签署协议,要在那里拍摄《权力的游戏》第二季。

7.And HBO did not get to the top of the television business by being foopsh.而HBO并不愚笨,不然怎么会成为电视业的老大呢。

8.Mayweather: You never give me a fair shake, HBO needs to fire you, You do not knows hit about boxing. You are nots hit, You are nots hit.梅威瑟气急败坏:你从来没说过我好话,HBO应该炒了你,你对拳击一无所知,你啥也不是,屎都不如。

9.The film made by HBO, creators of The Wire and The Sopranos, has deservedly been hailed as one of the best TV movies for years.电影由同时创作了电线女高音的家庭影院频道摄制,并名副其实的被称为近年来最好的电视电影。

10.We've just received word today from Dan's representative that season 2 of Extras has finally been given an air date for HBO.我们今天从丹的代表性那季节2的临时演员刚刚才收到字最后已经被为HBO提供一个播放日期。