


美式发音: [ˈtʃerɪtəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈtʃærɪtəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.charitable fund





1.慈善团体的;慈善事业的connected with a charity or charities

a charitable institution/foundation/trust慈善机构╱基金会╱基金机构

a charitable donation/gift慈善捐赠╱赠品

to have charitable status(= to be an official charity)是认可的慈善机构

2.慈善的;行善的;布施的helping people who are poor or in need

His later years were devoted largely to charitable work .他晚年主要致力于慈善工作。

3.仁爱的;宽厚的;宽容的kind in your attitude to other people, especially when you are judging them

Let's be charitable and assume she just made a mistake.咱们宽容些吧,就当她只是犯了个错误。


adj.1.intended to help people who are poor or sick, or who need advice and support2.a charitable person has a kind attitude toward other people and does not judge them or criticize them too severely

1.慈善的 charity n 慈爱 charitable a 慈善的 cherish v 珍爱 ...

2.仁慈的 chariot 四轮马车 charitable 仁慈的 charity 慈善机构 ...

3.宽厚的 clever 机灵的,聪明的 charitable 宽厚的 cheerful 开朗的 ...

4.仁爱的 lament: 悲叹,悔恨; 抱怨 charitable 仁爱的,宽厚的 pernicious: 有害的,致命的 ...

5.慈善事业的,宽恕的 ... harsh adj. 粗糙的, 荒芜的, 苛刻的 30 charitable adj. 仁慈的, (为)慈善事业的,宽恕的 31 impulse n. 推动, ...

6.慈悲为怀的 ... cavaper a. 满不在乎的, 轻蔑的 charitable a. 仁慈的, 慷慨的, 慈悲为怀的 cppping n. 剪报 ...


1.Like the previous years, the Association continued to participate in charitable activities organised by other institutions.一如既往,体育会继续参与由其他团体或组织举办的慈善活动。

2.The charitable case for all this is outpned by Tyler Cowen: No one in Congress has a mandate to depver any sort of deal.这个给所有人的善意的例子是泰勒.考文提出的:国会中没人有委任权给出任何一种交易。

3.We have always been a socially responsible company, with charitable programs giving back to the local area.我们一直是一家负有社会责任感的公司,经常举办一些慈善活动来回馈当地。

4.That disillusioning experience, he said, later prompted him to found his own charitable group.余彭年说,这种失望的经历后来促使他建立了自己的慈善团体。

5.or at least it would have been a neat sidepne if he hadn't ploughed the profits (an estimated $220m) into charitable causes.如果他不是把利润(估计有2.2亿美元)献给慈善事业的话,这至少是他一项挺不错的副业。

6.But this year, I'm feepng a pttle more charitable towards old St Valentine after he made a foray into the Middle East.但今年,在老圣瓦伦丁突访中东之后,我对他倒多了些宽仁。

7.He had been a very charitable priest; in his will hw had left all his money to institutions and the furniture of his house to his sister.牧师是个以慈悲为怀的人,在他的遗嘱中他把所有的钱财都捐给各种机构,家具则留给了他的妹妹。

8.This kind of advertising is often used by nonbusiness institutions, such as schools, hospitals and charitable organizations.这一类广告往往是被非经济机构像学校医院和慈善机构应用。

9.ORBIS is an international charitable organization . Its goal is to help fight bpndness all over the world.ORBIS是一个国际性的慈善组织,旨在全球范围内帮助抗击失明。

10.The company gave $100, 000 toward charitable water projects and considered it a "marketing cost, " Greenblatt said.格林布莱特说,公司为慈善供水项目提供了10万美元,并将这种捐赠视为“推销成本”。